AdventOfEnnui's avatar


  • Joined Sep 20, 2020
  • 34

A mild, laidback slice of life manga. It shows the daily life of a very notorious Yakuza who has since married and settled down as a househusband. The main draw of the story is how he approaches everyday situations with the mindset of a successful gangster.

[Reviewed at Vol 3 Ch 27]

The humour is basically the dichotomy between his intense, intimidating persona & his otherwise normal actions some of which are wearing a teddy bear apron over his suit, attending housewives yoga, cooking classes, bargain hunting, buying his wife's favorite anime etc. It fell flat for me though.

While it's primarily Slice of Life, there is a slow but definite progression of the story. We are over time introduced to his ex-colleagues, the event which changed him, meeting his wife etc.

The art & characters are probably the only strengths of this manga. The characters aren't 2D but have depth, mysterious backstories & show development during the course of the manga. He and his wife also truly act like a comfortably married couple albeit quirky ones. 

Reading the first few chapters ought to give you an idea of the rest of the series. All in all a decent manga but nothing special.

5/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
6/10 overall

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Curiousmadra Dec 8, 2020

Yeah I definitely agree with your review on the manga not trying to be exactly "special" like he's just a ex gang member taking up the" housewife " role. That's basically it..