I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace! - Reviews

Alt title: Yuusha Shoukan ni Makikomareta kedo, Isekai wa Heiwa deshita

I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace!
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
May 16, 2021

The heavy-handed Chosen One aspect of this manga did at first rub me the wrong way, but over time I started appreciating the direction the manga was taking it in. The main thing that sets Miyama Kaito apart from others is that fe has "Sympathy Magic," which allows fem to adapt to intimidating presences and sense whether people have negative intentions or not. What this means in a practical sense is that Kaito is able to interact with the strongest beings in the world in a non-worshipful way and develop friendships with them. The most powerful demons are the called the Six Kings. We haven't been introduced to all of them yet, but I've appreciated the interactions with the ones that we have met so far (which are primarily the Underworld King and the Death King). The most powerful gods are the Supreme Gods and the God of Creation. The most powerful humans are, I guess, the nobility, but honestly the interactions with humans aren't what make this manga interesting. What I really want to see is how Kaito will interact with the rest of the Six Kings. Many of these powerful beings seem to develop some level of romantic interest in Kaito, which is pretty cute. And honestly, one of the better handlings of a harem set-up that I've seen so far. I actually find myself genuinely wanting this manga to have a harem and for multiple parallel romances to be developed (a sentiment I often don't experience, even during most harem stories). This still isn't the greatest of stories or anything, but it's captured my interest enough for me to be invested in how things will go from now on.

[Reviewed at chapter 16]

4/10 story
4/10 art
8/10 characters
6/10 overall
OmniescentPen's avatar
Jun 28, 2023

you`ll lsarn to appreciate it as you read along the chapters, the first chapters are a little hard to take, once you adapt you`ll start to like it. but i`m a little dissapointed that mc is too weak, tho thats the plot.

8/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
arnexks's avatar
Jul 25, 2021

A solid meh manga. 

(Synopsis) MC gets transported to another world, he is not the hero, nor is he required to save the world. So he tries to find himself (tries to understand what he wants to achieve during his time in another world). During his self-centered journey he gets the attention of many strong women and that's is where the harem becomes a part of the picture. 

Not much action, tortoise level of story pace, no threat, ok characters make this story a 100% "I guess It's fine" type of manga. Harem is the only part, that could bring any enjoyment, so if that is not what you want, then this is most definetly not for you.

5/10 story
7/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall