Woof Woof Story: I Told You to Turn Me Into a Pampered Pooch, Not Fenrir! - Reviews

Alt title: Wanwan Monogatari: Kanemochi no Inu ni Shite to wa Itta ga, Fenrir ni Shiro to wa Itte Nee!

Woof Woof Story: I Told You to Turn Me Into a Pampered Pooch, Not Fenrir!
Mrukliwy's avatar
Apr 26, 2022

It's the kind of slow life where the MC is being pursued by the action story. BUT the MC is mostly just standing by and pissing himself.

The first chapter is a really good showcase for the premise. He died, he got resurected, he got picked up, he got taken care of. Even if it's the development phase I just can't read it anymore. Sure, he does something but he is always pushed to do it. So it's like Re:Zero but without dying hahaha

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
3/10 overall
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