Wagging the Tail - Reviews

Wagging the Tail
Vyou's avatar
Dec 9, 2022

Oh god. I hated it. Had to stop at chapter 11. The art style... did not sit well with me. And it was overall just a mess.

2/10 story
1/10 art
?/10 characters
2/10 overall
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Bloom19's avatar
Aug 20, 2022

O-M-G I love it!!!!!! <3

And I love the world and the art!


Oh how I just love a bad boy seme that turns into a uke I freaking love it! And to f*cking top it all of with the former seme wolf that is a uke now and the seme fox turned the tables again again and it became a wolf seme and fox uke they are freaking swithces!!! I love it so much! It has been a long time sence I read a switch BL couple! >w<

8.8/10 story
8.9/10 art
9/10 characters
8.9/10 overall
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YaoiGodAbove20's avatar
Mar 11, 2021

Too rushed, too effing rushed. But the art is pretty enough to be a furry's wildest dream.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
5.3/10 overall
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