Tokedase! Mizore-chan - Reviews

Alt title: Melt Away! Mizore-chan

Tokedase! Mizore-chan
harvestmoon07's avatar
Nov 16, 2020

This series is fantastic in all regards. If you need something to laugh about and brighten up your day enjoy the shenanigans of Mizore the Yuki-onna! Mizore is a lowly snowman melting in the evil Summer Sun's glare, when cutie pie Himari saves her by sticking her in the freezer. Hilarity and adorableness ensues, as we meet new mythical creatures along the way and learn of their shared hate of the Sun. If your feeling down (and let's be honest who isn't in these times) this is definitely the pick me up you need. Cute kids, sexy ladies, and laughs for everyone! 

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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