The Fallen Deity's Mate - Reviews

Alt title: Ochi Kamisama no Tsugaisama

The Fallen Deity's Mate
Bloom19's avatar
Nov 15, 2022


When you see the cover you know who is going to be top and bottom! BUT! Then you find out that the big guy is a bottom so that was so hella sweet! And then he meets that other guy that is really small and I think "Yes a small seme and a big uke!" BUT! When they "mate" the big bottom guy became a top like what the hell!!! I undestand why they did it, it was so they could have children but then they don't even show the child!!! I am really hurt in many ways! D;

6.5/10 story
7.5/10 art
6.5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
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