Sweet Guilty Love - Reviews

Alt title: My Friend's Wife

Sweet Guilty Love
OkamiX's avatar
Jan 16, 2021

honestly i dunno how to start review this garbage

just the wrost NTR u can read , and the ending omg it was so so bad it made me laugh and sad just mixed emotions because it pissed me off so badly 

doesnt worth your time trust me and ive no idea why ppl gave it good rate 

5/10 story
9/10 art
1/10 characters
4.5/10 overall
Starkout's avatar
Apr 3, 2021

I know how to review this 

First of all this manga is NTR based rape revenge thing.. If you can't handle NTR you shouldn't read this .. Pretty sad huh?

I myself was hoping for the whole time they'll be happy, i was wrong.. I thought she love her husband but na.. Because he was duce? .. She loved her second husband?... na, he was dumb and fall into trap,  some other duces end up enjoying her free pusy..

Whole story is like revenge thing.. In the end she got really really hurt and lost the trust in men? ( dude you Koreans making all the men look like duce)  so she end up being a prostitute even she had chance to be with someone she love?

She wanted to be independent..so she can take care of her baby.. She had to do something  but I've question is the only way to make money for a woman is SEX? Well she should have done something respectful?


5/10 story
6/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
Regx26's avatar
Dec 7, 2019

It's good to read and I love it

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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