Silk Like Her - Reviews

Silk Like Her
AbbyG's avatar
Feb 19, 2020

I read it in the name of "silk like him". It's truly a piece of work but there is too much suffering, too much pain  too much heartbreak for me in it. I read it in one go as I pull an all nighter... There are some sweet moments but it's like overshadowed by all the pain. I think I cried nonstop in it but I couldn't just drop it because it was soulful as well as logical and realistic. 

The art is so beautiful. All the men are hot. Noone is exception. It's still continuing and though I don't see future together for any of the couple I ship duan and commander chu as well as lan and second uncle wholeheartedly. 

Author should tone down on the characters sufferings a little. It makes my heart break into million pieces. But, at the end, thank you for writing such a soul gripping story. 

Update: completed. After a sea of crying n suffering (though the ending came too abruptly for my taste as there should hv been many more chapters.. It seemed too rushed for all the unanswered questions that remained) at last I saw a sun in the last chapter. Atleast duan er and chu got their happy end. They deserved it. N now they are off to making China better(in the last cgapter)... Together. 

9.5/10 story
10/10 art
8.5/10 characters
9/10 overall
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