My Wife is the Demon Queen - Reviews

Alt title: Wo Laopo Shi Mowang Daren

My Wife is the Demon Queen
Asurae01's avatar
May 5, 2020

In one sentence - Apart from its Attractive Art works, it is subpar in every other aspects.

Story is as usual, nothing new. Similar that of Shin Wolford, Arifureta..... and others - that is, the usual plot where the  transported "Chosen Hero" will have to save their currently conflicted world. No notable comedy or other developements.....

Character developemnet is stagnant, not growing at all.  Demon Queen is a overpowered, tsundere with teenager level mentality and an enchanting appearance of an adult - Nothing more. Her personality - ??.

And MC gains the title "Unparallel Prodigy", thanks to the advanced technology in earth. No notable side character developement apart from the lip-servicing - "Wow, Amazing MC!".... and loud noises.

What's more - Just by drawing a truck or Ironman suit or AI driven Robots or a nuke bomb in a sheet, yes - in a piece of paper or in ground, a perfectly working truck, Advanced Ironman suit, AI driven Robots and a handheld NUKE gun! will magically appear before you to use it in a medivel era! - What should i say an Overly Overimagined Fantasy?! 

MC's inventions after inventions without much prior thought of consequence....... Air headedness, Superiority complex.... and at the end of the day, everything works fine and everyone praises him! - What's more - MC's opponent will always have a mentality of a "bullying"- child or severely arrogant.

A Collapse.

3/10 story
8.5/10 art
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
RedFact's avatar
Jan 18, 2023

Honestly its just a generic isekai, but no harem. Its fine.

6.5/10 story
7/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Animelover6967's avatar
May 5, 2022

Started reading this mahawa about a year back and kept up with the chapters since. One thing you'll always notice on the newest chapter is the lower image quality and the really bad grammar. But when 10 chapters go by I go back and revisit the old chapters, They always throw a fresh code of paint once every few weeks, making the image an higher quality and fixing almost all of the grammar and text issues. All of this is coming form the site I use ad blocker). The story hooks the reader by being an Isekai. It's a pretty good one at that. You'll notice as you read they'll have these arks, as time goes things will become more tense. Think about dealing with grunts at first to than fighting a god in the span of a few hundred chapters (Some what). As of chapter 363 on 5/5/22 The seris seems to be coming to and end. I feel as the seris ran on, especially end game things got easier. Such as I feel the battle against the a demi god (Corpse Pillar) was much more intense then the fight against the women who stole the demon queens power (Lillia). Also if this is really the end Huge wasted potential on the regent (The mf who planed it all). If your read the epilog don't except much from it. They made very few use of the power strength scaling of the enemies. There's much more story that I have left out of the review. If you have any questions about the Manhawa leave a comment bellow.

Solid 8/10

8/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Boutroule's avatar
Jan 11, 2022

interessting at first, then it got so slow that it took at least 1-2 years to finish a fisght... and it wasn't even an exciting one... generic and boring progress that seems to lead nowhere. Just boom boom boom, boos go down than back up boom boom down up, ect without no story progress.

bot MC have a personnality than they become generic mc without anuthing to add.

such a shame

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6/10 story
7/10 art
3/10 characters
5/10 overall
KingAries12's avatar
Apr 24, 2024

This is my first manhua/manga review but I just needed to share my thoughts. Breakdown:

Story: I have read and watched my fair share of isekai. I have never seen a more completed, and well rounded story in my time in the anime and manga community since 2014ish. This story starts off telling the audience where it wants to end and gets there, no leaving you hanging, no unanswered questions. You get the plot and enjoy the ride to the end. The story has cute moments, intense battles, a rollarcoster of emotions and wraps it up with a bow at the end. The ending is a nice conclusion to the story, I wouldn't say it is perfect but it gets the job done and rewards you for the ride of the story. 

Art: Not much to say here, the art was solid and only improved as you go through the chapters. The art isn't on the level of some 10/10 perfect or anything but it is strong enough to support the battles, romance and tension scenes that are in the story. 

Characters: Okay, initially for the first few chapters I was worried about the MC. But, if you bare with it and get in between 25-55 chapters in, the MC becomes what you expect him to be and delivers. This also relates to my story point but it is beyond refreshing to finally have an MC that isn't afraid to show and commit to his love interest. He makes moves realistic moves (in my opinion) that aren't cringe and builds chemistry with his love interest throughout the whole story which adds an amazing conclusion towards the end when you get into the end game ark. And the love interest along with several side and support characters play there roles amazingly. 

Overall: This doesn't get a 10 for me only because of some mall personal things about the story that annoyed me, especially with the villains towards the end but it isn't bad by any means.This gets a 8 because if you are like me and come here for literally the name of the manga, you will be happy. I didn't come for the villains or fights, I came for a romance adventure story and got exactly that. The story comes together amazingly, and the characters make sense. Is there some small issues, yes. Are there some cliches, yes. But in the end I finished this feeling excatly how I wanted it to and now I am off to fill the romance void in my heart lol!

8/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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