Mist (Novel)

Alt title: Bowu (Novel)

Ch: 103
4.339 out of 5 from 70 votes
Rank #225
Mist (Novel)

Hyperthymesia. Those with this condition can remember every detail of their lives from something as significant as the world’s turning point to something as small and as insignificant as a minor fleeting thought. They cannot forget and their thirst for knowledge allow them to be considered as a genius in some senses. Legend has it that Ji Yushi was this kind of genius. In addition, it was said that he was gay, and very beautiful. As soon as the news that he was going to support Tianqiong’s seventh squad broke out, it sent everyone buzzing. Everyone knew that the captain of the seventh squad, Song Qinglan, was a hoodlum and deeply homophobic. He not only relied on his super powerful abilities to become the dark horse on the battlefield in less than two years, he also hates it when those at the top forces a flower vase into his squad...

Source: NU

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I'm rendered speechless. This novel is sooooo captivating,intense and also very horrifying and creepy at times! I'm litarally using up every last bit of my braincells trying to figure out the story and keep up with the flow. It might really be the most complicated plot i ever came across to. Time really is a vicious circle. I have read my fair share of stories with plots that can make one question their existence countless times from just how complicated they are. Yet no matter how much i thrived i couldn't keep up with how things were unravelling. I couldn't help but feel helpless after finding the truths one by one. Each of them were massive blows one after another on my poor brain. Trying to figure out one situation just leads to fall into more and more chaos. It's like the more you try to get out of the mud the more deep you get stuck into it. When i first started reading this, i never even in my wildest dream would have known just what i was getting myself into. Yet amongst all this utter chaos and mess jys and sql's love bloomed so passionately and their compassion for each other as well as their devotion and selflessness for the other person left me in tears. I can't really imagine just how could the author make such a flawless story?? Just reading it i felt like my mind would fall apart any moment. It's sooooooo beautifully and throughoutly yet cruelly written. It's like each scene is flashing before my eyes. The scenarios are very hard to imagine yet for some reason i have excellent imagination ability. Each time i was sooo fucking mesmerized by the breathtaking scenes. It can't even be counted. The beauty of this story really left me spellbound and at a loss of words. The plot is soooo phenomenal,unique and incredible, i almost lost my self while being soo immersed into reading it. At i just breathlessly fell for the story. And do i even need to talk about how throughoutly and amazingly the characters are written? It's not even a question because I'm obsessed!!Totally addictively obsessed!!!! And my boy song qinglan is such a sulky babygirl. I love him bhahahaha and my teasing and sly babes yushi too. And not to mention the entire 7th squad plus all the other characters. 10000000000% recommended tho i think because the plot is way too complicated people might get turned off but anyway i binge read it in 2 days

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