There's No Way This Is Fate - Reviews

Alt title: Konna no Unmei Janai Kara Kanchigai Shinaide

There's No Way This Is Fate
BLUEtundra's avatar
Mar 31, 2021

This is not a manga that is meant to be taken seriously--It's just a fun read.  It has cute moments, and it's kinda f*cked up, but mostly it's hilarious. The jokes were well-timed, and the gags were pretty good. Once in a while I was even shocked or surprised a bit, which made the laughs even better. 

8/10 story
7/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
lura12's avatar
Dec 20, 2023


but its pretty good tho

8/10 story
7.5/10 art
8.5/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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AvariciousImp's avatar
Dec 13, 2023

I usually avoid omegaverse like the plague, because it mostly strikes me as writers inventing Gender Roles++ and therefore gross, but I'm making a list of polyamory works that actually depict poly relationships (as opposed to just threesome sex), so I needed to read some of this to work out if it counted. Regret set in almost immediately. I can't say it's the worst omegaverse story I've ever read, in that it doesn't need a 13-page primer on wolf pornography to get started, but I'm with that other reviewer on the 'should've been alpha/alpha/alpha' point. That would probably have been more interesting, to be honest. Plots that hinge on 'and they were secretly an omega!' feel so common as to be cliche, and I've barely even touched this genre.

Mostly it felt intensely tropey, with a focus on goofy comedy, but like a lot of BL it would suddenly slide sideways into deeply fucked up, troubling territory without any particular change in the tone, like where Kou tells Yuu he 'won't be able to hold back' if Yuu wears boyshorts to answer the door. Like, if this is meant to be a comedy we don't take seriously, can we stop letting BL get away with echoing those chuds who say shit like 'she was asking for it, wearing that skirt', please? Especially when you're portraying gay men as predators in doing so? Thanks.

Anyway, the characters are okay, and their interactions are sometimes cute/funny, but they spend most of their time obsessing over sex, which makes them come off as more than a little vapid. More scenes like these three idiots trying to cook and less uncontrollably possessive YOU ARE MINE LITTLE MEOW MEOW shit would have been nice, but I guess this is probably why I don't get on with omegaverse works in the first place. The creepy, leering, possessive and often rapey stuff is the main selling point, as far as I can tell, and... well, whatever you're into, I guess.

(As an aside, it's okay to enjoy dark romance because you're into primal play, but please, can we call it that, and treat it as the kink it is, rather than 'just how guys are'? I get that it's sorta invisible because 'virile hunter stalking his helpless prey' is part of what a lot of people find hot about the idea of men, but that just means the kink is really common. Like liking boobs.)

Apart from the above, the thing I genuinely have a bone to pick with is the art. There's an aggressive level of sameface going on, and the men have maybe four different expressions, which is one more than Under the Greenlight but still really bad. Literally the only way I could tell the three members of our polycule apart was by their hair color, and when another dark haired guy showed up in chapter 5, I was like... 'huh, you mean he's not Kou? :O' and got very confused for a second. It's just overall a really ugly, stiffly-drawn manga to look at, regardless of the writing quality or whether I like the genres.

Probably a decent pick if you specifically wanted an omegaverse polyamory story, but only by dint of that being a vanishingly rare combination. Oh, and if I'm wrong on that and there's a bunch of secret ABO poly stories hiding out there somewhere, please be a dear and link me some of them so I can compare :)

5/10 story
3/10 art
5/10 characters
4/10 overall
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donnymazarati's avatar
Jan 29, 2024


This manga's plot is pretty standard omegaverse stuff. But the romance feels kind of forced wtih the two MLs constantly following the MC around and essentially begging him to be with them then fucking him when he's in heat.

Originally rhe ML believes he's an alpha but after he finds out that he's an omega it is later revealed that both the MLs hid the MCs omega status from him and secretly drugged him to supress his pheromones, which is evil and pretty fucked up. The MC eventually still wants to be with them after this, which is just not okay to me. That combined with how they cling to him and force the relationship to exist just turns me off. 

The art isn't great either. The proportions of their faces aren't consistent and they look really strange when drawn at certain angles.

5/10 story
3/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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AnimeServices's avatar
Apr 27, 2023

I like it, it's alright but could be better with the storyline. Instead of each chapter being "sex sex sex" there could be some diversities with the plot. Characters are good though, Ginga & Kouestu both seem like yanderes imo. (which I love) The author is one of my favorites because they also made a few other manga that I really enjoyed. Overall it's good but could be better.

9/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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