King's Game: Origin - Reviews

Alt title: Ou-sama Game: Kigen

King's Game: Origin
Naitred's avatar
Apr 4, 2024

This Ousama game certainly surprised me a lot in a positive sense

Finally we have a well thought out and linear story which the other ousama games didn't have, many doubts and questions that were asked in the main work are answered here and many elements that were previously missing are improved (such as the intervention of the police ) and finally we understand where the whole ousama game came from, which also confirmed some of my theories, especially in the ending where we understand why the ousama game had started to infect the classes in the main work.

For the characters I must say that here, unlike the main work, the characters are not annoying or hateful but have much more human reactions as one should expect, obviously there is no shortage of psychopaths on duty but they represent good villains for the ending and for the protagonists.

I would say the drawings are normal, enjoyable enough to make everything clear

I had read this story out of curiosity, since the previous osuama games were really bad and I found myself with a pleasant story of a deadly game to read, I highly recommend it

7.3/10 story
6.5/10 art
7.3/10 characters
7.2/10 overall
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