Kataware Zuki, Renren to Shite - Reviews

Alt title: Crescent Moon, Longingly

Kataware Zuki, Renren to Shite
alicemoriarty's avatar
Jun 10, 2022

i can only find the first three chapters but i think i got the jeez of it.

spoiler alert !

so this remind me of tokyo ghoul a bit... a lot.. idk. its about on owner of a bakery suddenly meeting his long lost childhood friend after twenty years of missing. they started living together and the friend is very insatiable that they ended up doing it every night lol the baker is the uke btw. one day the baker got attacked by a ghoul.. or a monster and the friend helped him. turns out the friend is not a human, he's also a ghoul... or a monster. i truly did not know what to call it and i dont think they mentioned it either. somehow after almost getting eaten by the... thing, he's no longer a fully human anymore so the friend turnt him into one of their kind. then somehow after transforming turns out he is a one of a kind the rarest of them all as he is able to reproduce... read to find out more... thus started their journey as a human eating couple but not really... oh and since the baker is able to reproduce, he attracted others who want to give him their babies lol

kinda wish they really get in depth for the theme and character

7/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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