Scents of Seasons: Late Blossom - Reviews

Alt titles: Feng Xin Hua: Chi Kai Zhi Hua, Hyacinth

Scents of Seasons: Late Blossom
listlesslife's avatar
Mar 1, 2021

Fluff: Yes, it's so fluffyyyyyyy

Angst: Light angst, mainly about the bullying 

Smut/Lemon: just mentions of it, no actual scenes

Overall: Not what I expect from a typical omeagverse story. The seme in here is really nice but oblivious- and the uke- dang respect him sm🤚 I love the art style too! It's so gorgeous (★ ω ★) Excited for the next part/season!!

Raws (Chinese): 风信花-风信花在线漫画-在线漫画-腾讯动漫官方网站 ( (it's legal btw)

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
YukinaZero's avatar
Oct 29, 2022

This is one of those bittersweet stories where you love the characters but feel so frustrated because the they won't just talk about there feelings and it makes you want to scream. Also, probably lament about all the lost time between them. 😩

The babies cute tho. +3 points

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
6.8/10 overall
ReedSylvier's avatar
May 6, 2023

Beautiful. Just beautiful. Like poetry.

I swear I've reread this so many times and it's still so beautiful I cry.

A simple yet refreshing, while at the same time in-depth, look of two characters alongside the message of a poem. What can I hold you with.

The art and the story and the poem and the message and the characters story, it all just paints such a specific calming vibe, you could almost smell it. Like a gentle breeze in the flowers after the rain.

Not many comics give you such strong imagery like this.

For a more in-depth take:

The character's stories overlap the impression the poem it uses so well. At least to me, it seems to be about two people that, in their own way, don't feel like enough for each other, and slowly without drama, get past that.

Asking themselves, what they can offer the other, how they feel lacking.

The use of imagery and wordplay that sounds poetic even with the translations and makes you get the same impression that characters do of each moment feeling special, counting how many times they've eaten together without meaning to, feeling like he's stolen something with that one moment together that lead to the rest of their lives together. All whole only guessing, like it's implied, it doesn't say it, it doesn't need to, it uses these imageries and exerts of this one poem over their arc so you feel it for yourself.

Because of these things it does such a good job making their arcs seem beautiful, and what they offer each other, leading right up to the end, so much more palpable.

(Though this is all done from the inside perspective of the main character, the other person we get from what he's said in conversations with him)

But that might just be me. Everyone might get something different from it because it relies on subtext and artistic imagery/messaging, and different parts might mean differently to you in a specific way because of your own experiences or feelings.

Wow I really wrote a lot lol what is this English GCSE all over again? Lol, but yeah I really recommend if this sounds like your kind of thing, even if I may have overdone it a bit.

10/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
10/10 overall
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