Hoshikawa Ginza Yonchoume - Reviews

Hoshikawa Ginza Yonchoume
nivlex's avatar
Jun 6, 2023

First things first, most of the manga takes place with our teacher being 26 and the student being 13. They're both quite respectful of each other at first but it quite rapidly gets to kissing, taking baths together, and eventually more.

With all that being said, if you can still bring yourself to read this manga, then I think you'll quite enjoy it. The feeling of goodwill in taking a child out of a home where she's neglected and giving her the childhood she deserves is felt strongly throughout the manga, and the goodwill is reciprocated as the little girl who had to grow up too fast does her best to support the teacher who gave her a whole new life - with cooking, cleaning and much more.

Apart from the suspect premise I really loved this manga Id reccomend it to anyone who's a fan of this genre

6.5/10 story
8.5/10 art
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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