Harley Takes the House - Reviews

Alt title: Beware of the Brothers!

Harley Takes the House
YukinaZero's avatar
Jul 9, 2021

This manga is honestly just such a mess. I tried to stay with it cause I love this author but this is a train wreck. I'm disappointed. I expected more from the person that wrote Who Made Me A Princess.

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
4/10 overall
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aimanicano's avatar
Jan 7, 2021

I wouldnt say the read was bad, i quite enjoyed it to an extent, some of the character developments were really nice to see, there were also many heartwarming scenes and moments. The manhwa had its goods and bads, but halfway through the read i found out (*spoiler, the male lead is eugene) that really shocked me and i even considered dropping it then, but i had hopes, so i continued, and now im in the latest chapters and the interaction between eugene and hari just doesnt sit right with me. Say what you want, maybe its cute for some of y'all but like..either way they were both raised as siblings, they share the same last name, even if they dont share blood i dont think that justfies them being together. Its just weird and feels wrong to me. So i've finally dropped it at chapter 51, although im all for Johan, he's a sweetheart and deserves the best.

4/10 story
5/10 art
6/10 characters
5/10 overall
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Roxy27's avatar
Jul 19, 2021

The story was quite good at first though I expected for her to at least try and get revenge, in later chapters when she starts having feelings for her brother completely is disgusting 

5/10 story
9/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Shouinbitch's avatar
Jan 20, 2024

It's just so odd she marries her brother. "She was adopted there not blood related" um that's still not okay? Like that's actually a crime in real life :) like she had a perfectly suited ML but they just stayed as friends. The arts very nice and it's honestly just a good read because the plot isn't very inticing or complicated. It's kinda just a skim through read to pass time and then move on. 

6/10 story
7/10 art
5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
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AFL's avatar
Mar 31, 2021

So far story is amazing. Looking forward to new chapters 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
10/10 overall
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