Hana & Hina After School - Reviews

Alt title: Hana to Hina wa Houkago

Hana & Hina After School
LesbianRaichu's avatar
Jul 31, 2021

Out of all of Milk Morinaga's work, this has to be one of my least favorites. The plot is a bit messy, the characters are pretty one dimensional, and it sexualizes the two main highschool girls in a pretty weird way (especially by western standards) but its also charming in its own right. The older art style is cute, it's got that easy to read/no real conflict vibe, and I'll always give bonus points to a piece of queer media being written by a queer person.

6/10 story
7/10 art
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
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katiro's avatar
Sep 11, 2020

8.5/10 Its cute but im taking 1.5 points off for the sex scene to say the least i was not prepared for it. Still cute tho.

9/10 story
8.7/10 art
7.5/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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