Elskar - Reviews

Kangarooo's avatar
Apr 23, 2021

Okay so I was unsure to start this story because the cover threw me off, there were no reviews, and the rank was so low, so it made me think if was any good but you know I followed the rule of don't judge a book by it's cover because I have been suprised many times before by ignoring those signs. Let's just say I'm glad I did. I can't give a full on review because I only read 10 chapters when there is currently 40+ chapters out rn but from what I read it's actually pretty good. I love the art style first, it's very unique, and not unique in the way where it's ugly but I genuinely haven't seen an art style like this and the characters look great. The characters have realistic reactions and the story is a story line I haven't seen before.  A girl from a Village of people with special jewel hearts gets overtaken and her people get slaughtered and taken into slaves, and she gets sold off to this duke or something because she has resemblance to someone he needs her to be. There more to it but also he's hot. And that's important to me... hot characters. I don't know why this doesn't have more attention. It's definitely worth a try. There is definitely someone out there that will like this as much as I do. I'm excited to keep reading it. ITS GOODD

8.5/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
Neriparra's avatar
Jan 6, 2023

It has really nice and interesting art. I can not tell much about the story and characters yet because I am still in the beginning of this manga. But it seem interesting and I keep reading.

7/10 story
9/10 art
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
molopower's avatar
Mar 25, 2022

To me, Elskar is a drowning duckling in a pond, pitiful just like the story's protagonist. I don't particularly like Elskar but I kept on reading so take that as you will. Fortunately, I do think it gets better as it goes along. And I would like to read season 2.

7/10 story
10/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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