
Vol: 10; Ch: 56
2001 - 2005
3.94 out of 5 from 1,536 votes
Rank #5,815

Cooro is a +Anima: a person with animal characteristics. The +Anima dwell amongst ordinary humans but are ostracized, hated, and enslaved. Cooro, brought up as an orphan, goes on a quest to find more +Anima and to gain acceptance in a world that is fearful of anything different. With Husky, Senri and Nana at his side, Cooro sets off on a trip around the world, having adventures, making friends, and searching for his own identity. But as they become more entangled in various plots and the churning backgrounds of each +Anima, will they be able to maintain their friendship, as well as their safety?

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