6 no Trigger - Reviews

6 no Trigger
Nightterrer's avatar
Mar 1, 2024

Overall, I did enjoy this manga; however, the story progresses too quickly and ends on a cliffhanger for a sequel, which significantly lowers my rating. At this point, why not finish it instead of leaving it hanging? Moving on, the story was initially intriguing and made me curious to learn more. Sadly, it became quite confusing, leaving me scratching my head at times. There were inconsistencies that didn't add up with what was said a few chapters ago. On a positive note, the art is pretty cool, reminiscent of old comics, especially with the onomatopoeic sound effects like "Bang! Bang!" The characters are very likable, including the villains who are surprisingly funny at times. I would recommend this manga, but I suggest not reading the final chapters and instead imagining your preferred conclusion.

8/10 story
6/10 art
9/10 characters
7.6/10 overall
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