Wushang Shen Di - Reviews

Rerednaw's avatar
Sep 1, 2023

I would recommend this one as a good starting place if you have experienced donghua (chinese animation/novels.) The story has many of what are now established tropes.  It's a Strong to Weak to Strong story set in a fantasy world that is a mix of a world like a stylized ancient China, but with super-powered martial arts, alchemy, fantasy creatures and so on.  There are many types of conflict from simple jealousy from peers to outright "I will annihilate your entire clan/family" 

Without spoiling too much, the MC awakens in the body of a teacher in the middle of class.  His host body has had a reputuation for not being competent and was therefore looked down on, as in the world of cultivation, might makes right.  He draws on his prior knowledge to improve not just himself but those around him as he tries to reclaim what he has lost. And it's a long journey. 

Regarding the actual work itself: This was one of the older works for a tianxia cultivation webnovel and it is ongoing (5000+ chapters.) The animation at the time of this review has around 200+ episodes, which puts it at about chapter 300 of the novel.  

P.S. If you are unfamiliar with cultivation in this context, search it with tianxia/xuanhuan and you'll get more info.  The *very* short version is think about meditating and absorbing the power of the universe.  Sometimes this is supplemented by various magical potions or rituals.  Your body gets stronger and eventually you are able to manifest supernatural abilities.  

P.P.S.  If you prefer a completely OP MC from the start? Try 100,000 years of Qi Refining...it has a quirky bit of humor and the animation is excellent.  

9/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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