Teasing Master Takagi-san - Reviews

Alt title: Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san

ImDevilGirl's avatar
Jul 19, 2020

At first was okay but the more episodes I watched,the more I felt super annoying especially Takagi who teasing Nishikata 

5/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
4.5/10 characters
0.5/10 overall
ronald69mcdonald's avatar
Aug 22, 2020

   I loved watching it, but I do admit there are flaws, especially with the story--or, more so the lack of one. Karakai Jouzu is very adorable, but the two main characters are rather difficult to connect with (in my opinion), and don't have too much of a personality outside of the interactions the two of them have together. Not to say they aren't interesting; but they could've been done better, which is my view on the entire show, really.

   Still, I enjoyed it, and I hope everyone else did as well.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
7/10 overall
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ACrankyOldMan's avatar
Sep 10, 2018

Takagi is an amazing character. Funny enough, probably one of the strongest and most interesting characters I've seen. She's very misschievious but in the nicest way possible and she doesn't give a crap about what others think. Although I do feel that all the other characters aren't as strong as her, which is somewhat of a shame.

7/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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DGFischer's avatar
Jan 31, 2022

The premise of Teasing Master Takagi-san reminds me of a comic I read from Mad Magazine in my much too far distant past.  A three panel jest.  Frame one: a young girl (about 8-10 years old) runs to her mom gushing over the fact that a boy likes her.  Frame two:  Mom asks, 'How do you know?'  Frame three:  Girl replies, ‘He threw a rock at me!'

As a former teacher of grades five through eight, I can pretty much attest to the fact that the 'cootie factor' pretty much goes down through those grades, though for the most part, boys fraternize with boys, girls associate with girls.  But the sniping increases with the maturing of these pre-adolescents.  Ah, sniping, the tacit signs of true love, or at least some interest in 'that other group.'  This confusion of those immature views is the fuel which drives the storylines of Teasing Master Takagi-san.

Takagi, a sweet girl with long  brown-haired tresses, is called the 'Teasing Master' by Nishikata, the boy who has the (mis)fortune of sitting next to her for a school term.  Note the fancy use of parentheses back there.  My first experience with this series came when I accidentally began with the first episode of the second season.  In this scene, Nishikata, in avoiding the teases from Takagi, saves her from falling into the river, though in the force of pulling her away from getting soaked, Nishikata falls in himself.  By that time, I discovered my mistake and selected episode one, season one.  But that accidental glimpse was telling.

For in season one, episode one we have Takagi playing 'mind games' with Nishikata because she enjoys seeing the boy blush.  Nishikata wishes to go one up on the teasing master, but, as Nishikata tends to over-analyze everything, he always loses these games.  Hundreds of times.  Almost on a daily basis.  Teasing Master Takagi-san is arranged on a set of short features, most involving Takagi and Nishikata, but some offering the exploits of that comedy trio Mina, Sanae, and Yukari, three girls who are classmates and get into their own adventures.  The plot revolves around those activities one encounters in typical middle school routine: mean teachers, note and letter passing, getting that new cell phone (and the embarrassing pix one can take with them), new seat arrangements and how to get around them.  The vignettes are loosely arranged, three or four to an episode, rarely connected.  Just the daily grind of school and putting up with a girl whose deductive skills can help her read that poor boy to the point that it's almost like mind-reading.

But there are subtle hints that Nishikata is blushing for one reason, and these clues crop up throughout the series.  Such as walking home with Takagi rather than go off with the boys to play video games.  Or that comparisons with an established couple,  Mano and Nakai, make it seem that Takagi and Nishikata are other than master and victim.

But the key clue comes with Takagi's handkerchief.  It makes its appearance in three episodes.  We learn in flashback that Takagi lost it on her first day of school and Nishikata found it and turned it into the school office.  This caused Nishikata to be late on day one.  This led to Takagi's first tease, betting that she knew why Nishikata was late.  The handkerchief returns in the middle episode when Takagi was falling and Nishikata hurt his knee trying to catch her.  She lends her hankie to bandage Nishikata's knee.  Finally, in the last episode, Nishikata returns the handkerchief with a carefully hidden note, a thank you note which makes Takagi squirm in girlish delight.  End season one.

The color technique employs bright colors to depict the normal life of middle school, using the darker tones as Nishikata slips into those defeats to Takagi.  The blush tones are very simple, streaks of red on Nishikata's face rather than botching red under the eyes.  The music is cheerful, and you can almost detect that glint of mischief that Takagi is always capable.

And so, on entering season two, I can see that there has been remarkable progress in the relationship between teaser and teased.  Nishikata is still in the firm denial camp, but ... let season two do its magic.

10/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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erykathefirst's avatar
Oct 20, 2022

I love this show, it's so cute. It's a little frustrating/annoying at times with both main characters but nothing too serious. We also get a nice break every once and a while when they focus on a really cute girl group of friends. This show has great side characters who all look out for each other, never sabotaging or anything. They genuinely care for each other which is rare I feel lol. It's like a slice of life comdey, I think its the perfect show for when your feeling down or late at night. No real plot or anything at stake but it does has a main theme. Bonus points if you like anime's that take place in a school. The details thorughout the classroom really pay off. 

8/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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