Saga of Tanya the Evil - Reviews

Alt title: Youjo Senki

Cain198's avatar
Jul 27, 2021

If you like animes based off of war and tactics of war, this is a really good anime to watch. The characters were well-voiced and had unique perspectives and characteristics.

The storyline started off really good, but as it progressed, it became more invested on violence and only had slight mentions of virtues and morals. Personally, I enjoyed this a lot and I would love a season 2 from this. The animations was well-done and the music and sound effects really added to the ambience.

I shall say this once more; if you like reading/watching things to do/about war, this is a great amine to watch to get a feel of it. The fight scenes are many and are animated splendidly, the series balances an overall dull colour palette with bright and intense particle effects to create intensity and gives the whole thing an overall edge.

After all 12 episodes,  I'm completely in love with the characteristics and design of Tanya the Evil (although the face "expressions" (contortions) were a bit off-putting at the start). And I am looking forward to watching the movies and other animations based off of this series. Top-notch, I really enjoyed it, and I can't wait for more!

8.5/10 story
10/10 animation
9/10 sound
9.5/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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MsNova's avatar
Apr 9, 2019

Truth be told, I didn’t expect much but I was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed this anime. There is only one main character, Tanya. I like the fact that the main character is not in grade or high school, but in an army. Really, the kids in school main character is getting a bit old & this was just the break I needed.


I did not expect Tanya to be such a hard ass but SPOILER being a full grown man in the body of a child, well, it made sense and she was true to character.


Well worth watching.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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Archert's avatar
Feb 2, 2020

Me ha dado rabia esta serie, el personaje (la protagonista Tanya) es increible, muy lograda, haciéndote olvidar completamente que es una niña de 10 años, algo casi imposible con tanta serie loli que sale hoy en dia; su problema fue la serie en esta a la altura del personaje, es como poner a Messi en un equipo de segunda, no brilla.

Esperare un OVA o pelí para ver como Tanya termina coronándose como el nuevo mesías.

7/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
8.3/10 overall
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MissH's avatar
Mar 25, 2018

Spoiler Alert

I really didn't know what to expect from this anime but I absolutely loved it. The juxtaposition of how I felt about the main character Tanya from Episode 1 to Episode 2 was mindblowing and to be honest, it's one of the many reasons as to why I loved it so much. It was completely unexpected to think that this evil little Nazi girl in Episode 1 is actually the reincarnated soul of a murdered 21st century businessman being blackmailed by God to worship him in order to survive an alternative World War One. Like, come on! That's just insane! Yet it works. Boy does it work. At times it's hard to cheer for a character who is essentially a Nazi fighting for an alternative Nazi Germany. The anime practically says as much. But I liked her. I really liked her. I liked her battleaxe ferocity and ambition to simply survive and outwit God. And I would happily watch it all over again, just for more of her. Plus the opening and ending themes were uh-mazing!

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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SkyChillo's avatar
Mar 10, 2021

Quite an interesting anime with a great story.

9/10 story
6/10 animation
5/10 sound
8/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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