Saga of Tanya the Evil - Reviews

Alt title: Youjo Senki

krofire's avatar
Apr 1, 2022

NUT’s 2017 gothic war fantasy is a visual mash-up between “Hellsing” (Gonzo 2001), “Violet Evergarden” (Kyoto Animation 2018) and “Strike Witches” (Gonzo 2008). The story is mainly focussed upon the activities of young Tanya Degurechaff, a mage (magical witch) fighting in a European war in an alternative universe 1923. The action will remind you much of a dark, dark Strike Witches but there is nothing cute about this. Tanya is not all she seems. She is the reincarnation of a 21st century businessman who got shoved in front of a train by a disgruntled worker. At the moment of his death, he faced by a creator deity that he dubs as “Being X”. Why Being X targets the man in this way is unclear but the man has led nothing more than a life of arrogance. Other than that, he is quite ordinary. The man and Being X argue over the very existence of a Creator (which seems an odd argument to have given the circumstance). The creator Being decides that the man would have more faith in a Creator if he had lived a life in wartime. So, he reincarnates him into an alternate universe ravaged by a European war. He is born again as an orphaned girl. Despite her gender she manages to get a place in her country’s army due to her magical powers. From there she works her way up the chain of command using the same ruthless tactics she had used as a man in modern Tokyo.

There is a lot to take in with a story like this. Arguably this is all borderline genius. It is certainly very original and the character of Tanya is somewhat unique. However, the “evil” in the title is not entirely apt. It is a poor translation for the original would be interpreted as the “Military Chronicles of a Little Girl”. Tanya is not evil but she is utterly ruthless and driven. All she strives for is a quiet life, not one of destruction. Her atheism is hardly out-of-the-ordinary. Despite her low opinion of other humans, she does build up the loyalty and camaraderie amongst her soldiers. She will end up risking her life for them. Does she grow to be a more empathetic human? Not really. If anything, it is Being X she hates. Not the human race.

Sadly, there is much in this story that disappoints. Tanya’s Second Lieutenant is a girl who looks like a slug with two saucers for eyes. She is hideous. Most characters are men in uniform of indifferent appearance. You won’t be watching this for the visuals or the animation. It is mundane. A kawaii free zone. It remains a mystery how a Tokyo salaryman manages to have such an enormous grasp of 20th century land war tactics. He/she is scarily intelligent being able to see how military plans are structured from all angles and then guess their purpose. It is doubtful than most people would be able of this and any random businessman would be out of his depth and crying out for God’s help. This lacks credibility. Well, it is a fantasy. Being X makes few further appearances other than to tinker with reality so that Tanya is forced to pray to God to unleash her full magical power in battle. Other than this, the entire deity vs man subplot doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Why would any deity waste their time of day on creating such a reality to test such an ordinary man? Is this judgement? Is this hell? Is Being X the devil? Being X’s rare interventions just seem so pointless and over-blown. We really get no further insight into the motivations of the deity implying that it is a crude & poorly thought-through plot vehicle. The story would work with the whole reincarnation arc simply removed. Heck, maybe it is fashionable. One big plus for “The Saga of Tanya the Evil” is the soundtrack. Myth & Roid supplied “Jingo Jungle” whilst the ending theme is “Los! Los! Los!” sung by Tanya’s voice artist Aoi Yuki. Both are a perfect fit and the Germanic snarl in “Los! Los! Los!” is just glorious. It is certainly worth checking out the long version of this song. When all is said and done there is much credit here to NUT in bringing such an original show to air. It lacks a little in execution but if you wish for a dark Kraut-war anime then this will be right up your street.

8/10 story
5/10 animation
10/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Quantummm's avatar
Feb 28, 2022

I reincarnated into Hitler Loli in another world. I'm not a fascist, but... 8/10.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
6/10 characters
8/10 overall
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GigiDk8's avatar
Apr 5, 2017

I have to wright a review about it, this amine is amazing! not only for the fact that has as a main protagonist a calculating psychopath with no care in the world besides her own agenda, love the war scenery the fact that she is defying every single miracle of "GOD". over all since this is the type of anime i go for (dark) i really enjoyed it hopefully i'll see more of it... P.S: in one of the episodes i was a big poster of the anime "OVERLORD"... any relation??

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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miss1anime's avatar
Jul 31, 2021

War is hell. This anima is the picture perfect example of what would have taken place if WW2 had not ended or gone the way it did. It's likely we would still be at war to this day.

Although I would love to see how this story plays out. It's pretty much pointless. Any further seasons would most likely be centered around the protagonist and deity X. The war it's self would just keep going.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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SinFreza's avatar
Jan 22, 2022




El mundo está en guerra, por lo que empiezan a reclutar a diversas personas para la lucha.

Tiempo más tarde, nos encontramos con Tanya Degurechaff (la protagonista), una joven soldado infame por su crueldad y una aptitud táctica misteriosa que le valió el sobrenombre de "Demonio del Rin".

Ella tiene secretos, puede recordar su vida pasada y el por qué reencarno en Tanya…


 “Un humano impulsado por el odio seguirá peleando sin importarle el interés propio y la razón”.

Tanya Degurechaff

Este anime fue muy bueno


  1. Historia (innovadora)

En resumen trataría sobre la dura vida de Tanya después de reencarnar y su plan maestro para desafiar a señor X que, en pocas palabras, consistiría en llevar una buena vida y no morir.

El anime está ambientado en la guerra, el escenario que se nos muestra se acerca mucho a la realidad.

Puede llegara a ser un poco densa.

  1. Desarrollo de personajes (solo 2 personajes)

Tanya: Empezó siendo un personaje que no tenía piedad por nadie y solo se preocupaba por ella. Terminó siendo un personaje que se preocupa por su escuadrón pero igual no tiene piedad.

Es muy perfecta, todo lo que hace le sale bien, un poco irreal.


Viktoriya Serebryakov: Es miembro de la Fuerza Aérea Mágica del Ejército Imperial. Al principio es alguien un poco tímido pero fuerte, siempre respetuosa. Termina siendo un personaje fuerte, no tan tímida y que obedece las reglas.

  1. Fotografía (colores y métodos)

Los efectos para las bombas fueron perfectos, el dibujo fue de muy buena calidad, cada palabra era acompañado con una buena expresión.

Cuando un personaje denotaba alegría histérica o furia con locura, el color predominante era el amarillo y rojo.

  1. Actuación de voz

Para que el anime nos de algún sentimiento, muchas veces no se necesita la voz, aunque se agradece si está presente.

Las voces acompañaron perfectamente a las animaciones.

Me enfocaré en Tanya, mayormente ella tiene dos moods.

O está tranquila pero en guardia, o está en la cumbre de la locura pero razonando (muy loco)

La voz en el primer mood fue “cute” (por su edad) pero profunda y con mando (lo que denotaba su rango)

En cambio, cuando estaba en el segundo mood, su voz se vuelve como altanera (no llega a ser ruidosa), seguido con una risa que le da el toque final.

  1. Soundtrack

La música fue muy alocada, como Tanya, una mezcla de música electrónica energizante.


  1. Final

Fue muy abierto, sé que hay una película y le manga, pero lo que califico es este producto (solo el anime)

8.5/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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