Prison School OVA - Reviews

Alt title: Kangoku Gakuen OVA

corkboard's avatar
May 11, 2016

This is one of the few OVA that I actually enjoyed more than the anime itself, probably because the most annoying character (the comically overlarge and profusely sweaty Underground Student Council Vice President wasn't in it). It's a nice punctuation to the show, seeing the boys adjust to life outside the prison. There's a nice balance between the rom-com romantic tying up of loose ends that gives us a sense of closure and the haplessness that probably endeared the main characters to you to begin with.

If you liked the main show enough to finish it, I firmly recommend this as well.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
7/10 overall
ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 13, 2024

The "Prison School OVA," titled "Mad Wax," serves as an additional chapter to the highly controversial and provocatively humorous series "Prison School." This OVA (Original Video Animation) continues the story of the boys in Hachimitsu Academy, a previously all-girls high school that has recently become co-ed. Known for its extreme comedic elements, exaggerated expressions, and often uncomfortable situations, "Prison School" and its OVA manage to push the boundaries of the ecchi genre, combining humor with a unique take on high school life.

Highs and Lows of Detention

  • Comedic Execution: "Mad Wax" retains the series' signature comedic style, delivering laughs through its absurd scenarios and over-the-top character reactions. The humor, while not for everyone, hits its mark for fans of the genre, providing a consistent level of entertainment.
  • Art and Animation: The OVA maintains the high-quality art and animation standard set by the main series. Character designs and expressions are particularly well-executed, enhancing the comedic and dramatic moments alike.

Points of Contention

  • A Fine Line: As with the main series, the OVA's humor often teeters on the edge of being overly offensive or crass. This approach can alienate viewers who are sensitive to its brand of comedy or those looking for more depth in their anime viewing experience.
  • Character Depth: While "Prison School" is not known for its deep character exploration, the OVA misses an opportunity to expand on the backgrounds or motivations of its cast, sticking instead to the surface-level traits that drive the humor.

Unique Aspects

  • Fanservice Finesse: True to form, "Mad Wax" does not shy away from fanservice, utilizing it as a core element of its humor and plot development. This can be seen as a double-edged sword, appealing to a specific audience while possibly deterring others.
  • Cultural Commentary: Beneath its raunchy exterior, the OVA, like its parent series, offers a satirical look at Japanese high school life and the extremes of adolescent male fantasies. This layer of commentary provides a deeper appreciation for those willing to look beyond the surface.


The "Prison School OVA" is a continuation of the main series' controversial yet captivating formula, blending extreme humor with a dash of fanservice and satire. While it excels in maintaining the series' visual quality and comedic timing, it also inherits the main series' limitations, including a reliance on shock value and a lack of character depth. For fans of "Prison School," "Mad Wax" offers a satisfying extension of the series' unique charm. However, for those unaccustomed to or uncomfortable with its distinct approach, this OVA may be more of an acquired taste.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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