Peeping Life: This is Fate! - Reviews

Cakeniron's avatar
Sep 12, 2020

Peeeping Life evolved into more than just random gag skits, but the flavor is still the same. It's a polarizing anime that focuses on awkward, painful humor as an adult; the melancholy of reality versus expectations. While previous seasons of Peeping Life was definitely more light hearted and kooky...this series is well, darker. Much darker. Still witty, but the humor is very transparent and...sadly painful.

I do recommend watching this, since they are short and still funny, but I do not recommend anyone under the age of 30 watching this series. You won't like it. It's too raw and truthful.

I'm glad Peeping Life is back. It's evolved, but I hope it will drop its baggage and find happiness that isn't a bitter pill.

8/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
8/10 overall
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