Made in Abyss - Reviews

grade247's avatar
May 14, 2023

So far I like the anime itself but my god is Riko just flat stupid and irritating. She herself mentions how dangeous the abyss is but is the first one to run headfirst into weird sounds and wonder why she nearly dies every few minutes. She gets told numerous time to stay put to stay safe and she goes wandering around instead of waiting and gets into trouble. 

That all then leads to the other weird and kinda boring part of this anime is EVERYTIME she is at deaths door Reg is there in the nick of time. I almost feel bad for Reg because Riko is so freakin stupid and a walking death attractor. I dont understand how a person even a kid can be brushed with death SOOO MANY TIMES and still walk carefree like a jackass when they themselves keep mentioning the further they go the more dangeous it gets........

6/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
4/10 characters
6/10 overall
MaZzCz's avatar
Jul 6, 2022

So about MADE IN ABYSS. this anime was in some way interesting. i loved the idea, when travelers wanted to find everything about the abyss and the monsters there. the animations, the desing was so pretty. i wouldnt change that. but this part what im going to write is where it gets kind of annoying. 

i hate the idea about 11 years old kids and everyone. i mean EVERYONE have not problem with that thing, they want to go to deepest hole, where they probably could die easily. i mean yeah its just an anime and its for the plot. i get it, but they couldnt give any valuable reason to do it? and if it was a little bit realistic, they would die like on the fourth floor, but somehow they survived. dont get me wrong, i like this anime, but the reasons why they survives and nobody give a damn shit like yeah the cant die. this side on plot was a bit annoying, but what was the most annoying thing, or i should say character, is RICO. man shes 11 years old and just a kid, i get it, but why nobody stoped her to going down? like everyone should know that shes totally useless. for a main character, i hate her. without reg she wouldnt survive 2nd floor. and thats a fact nobody can change. just make her less annoying and more usefull and she will be more loveable character. 

and the child pornography? nah man i hate that. no more comment needed 

6/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
4/10 characters
6/10 overall
Adaxioo's avatar
Feb 25, 2021

amazing anime! highly recommend it, this is the story: At the foot of the town of Orse lies the Abyss, a gigantic rift of unknown depth inhabited by strange creatures and filled with ancient relics. For years, this mysterious abyss has attracted many adventurers who call themselves "the caverns". This is where Rico lives, a young orphan obsessed with the Abyss and eager to follow in the footsteps of her missing mother. One day while prospecting, Rico discovers the lifeless body of a young boy. She is far from imagining how this discovery will change her life and accelerate her destiny.

9/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
Velerok's avatar
May 11, 2020

The premise of the story is a good one , the execution of it tho is lacking. After 3 episodes i have lost any faith in beliving that it is a anime worth watching and have dropped it. I had nice expectations from this anime since i have seen so many people hold it in such high regard that i was willing to look past the funny blocky way that the characters look like yet nontheless even when i look past their appearance i can not look past of how annoying their behaviour and interactions are.

Overall probably a fantastic premise for a story that was ruined by having unlikable characters.

7/10 story
7/10 animation
4/10 sound
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
Leaf64's avatar
Jul 13, 2021

Story/Characters: So i'm on episode 10 and damn, this anime has got a ton of stuff to like about it. THE ATMOSPHERE, the world building, the character building; I'm enjoying it. I know it has a slower start but that seems like it there to establish the world and characters. Riko the main character is looking to reach the bottom of the abyss is constantly rambling things about the world or creatures to Reg the secondary character. Normally this is used to actually tell the audience things using Reg as the vessel but it actually fits with Riko's personality. It's been a long time since I was on the edge of my seat rooting for the main characters but here I am, invested. Oddly enough, it's not really the characters, it's the journey and watching the sh** hit the fan that I enjoy.

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Animation: The animation is simple but solid. Nothing too crazy but it gets the point across. The few laser beams and actions scenes are great but nothing to knock your socks off. Still, very good in its simplicity.

Sound: was excellent in a passive sort of way. It's kinda like the music in The Legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wild, very subtle. It fits the moods very well and helps sell the feeling of being lost in some lost, ancient wonderland but still give you an uneasy feeling.

Overall: A 12 year old kid and a robot tries to reach the bottom of a giant hole where seemingky EVERYTHING has some unique way to kill a person lives. The abyss itself has effects that kill, so when something goes wrong things really get bad. It's refreshing to an anime where the main character isin't covered with so much plot armor. There are more than of few moments of 12 year old nudity, which I found odd a number of times. But don't let that distract you, it's still a good anime.

9/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
7/10 characters
8.6/10 overall