Haitai Nanafa - Reviews

Service's avatar
Jun 1, 2016

Not typically my cup of tea when it comes to genres but here i go!

Story: There isn't one, theres a brief moment where they try to show off this is the story but it lies, it's a collection of non connected short episodes so the whole plot boils down to, "here is some fairies they do silly things and we laugh".

Animation: Holy crap the stuff they do in this, there is not one fixed style in any episode, out of nowhere you can expect to see something with the quality of Fate in a silly little short show and it amazes me beyond possibilty.

Sound: Like animation it does have amazing sound design for what it is so take the above as read.

Characters: Your typical bland no depth moe cuteness with a sassy older sibling whos voice would make most male characters in shows envious.

Overall: This season really did boil down to the animation for me, didn't really spring forth and spew awesomeness, this does improve greatly in s2 however and s2 should be watched.

This was reviewed as part of DAMC

1/10 story
3/10 animation
3/10 sound
1/10 characters
3/10 overall
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RazzleBerry's avatar
May 17, 2013

Story- Haitai has a very common story strange beings living in the home of regular people and causing humors mischief with their odd abilities. Been there seen that it was ok for what it was and I don’t have any problems with it mostly because it is cute and episodic two of my favorite things in anime.

Animation- It looked very colorful and adorable.

Sound- nothing wrong, pretty standard, average all of these can be used to describe my feelings on the audio.

Characters- Here is where this show went south to many characters not enough time to do anything with them most of the characters in the show appear every episode for about 10 seconds, enough to deliver one line and perform one gag and that’s it. They introduce characters on a split second bases at the beginning of the series, so you get enough time to see their face before they disappear in the ocean of other faces. The creators should have a made set cast of about three characters since each episode is only 3 minutes long that way we can enjoy them instead of glimpsing them before someone else is shoved in our faces.   

 Overall- Too many characters, unoriginal story, and horrible pacing makes this show really hard to get into. I wanted to drop it after the 3rd episode but I felt I should watch it to the end so I could more effectively warn others of this. Don’t watch this you have better things to do like watch paint dry. 

4/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
3/10 characters
4/10 overall