Ellcia - Reviews

Alt title: Gensou Jotan Ellcia

bunda6662's avatar
Feb 4, 2023

Up to a point, the viewer believes that the story has some saving grace, but then it becomes clear that this OVA is more of the same. There's nothing new, and they didn't even attempt to make it interesting in any way. The animation is average, but the character designs are a bit interesting, very medieval RPG-like. However, the characters are your typical do-gooders and walking cliches, so it's hard to root for them. In conclusion, I wouldn't recommend this OVA. However, if you don't mind these things and, heaven forbid, like them, you might have an average experience.

3/10 story
6.5/10 animation
6/10 sound
4/10 characters
4/10 overall
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tcaudilllg's avatar
May 10, 2018

The first thing that shoots out at you are the character designs. I'm not sure whether these designs came first or Final Fantasy VI's, but the similarities are unmistakeable. Practically everything about this anime evokes FF6, from the "magitek" technology to the backdrop of empires and invasions. Unlike in FF6 though, the characters lack depth, because they are present not for their own exposition but to articulate a fable. But in a 4 episode OVA totaling about 2 hours, there isn't much time for exposition anyway. The action is constant and far from boring, though it can be difficult to follow. Worth a watch for the art style alone.

7/10 story
8/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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