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Sianeka Feb 24, 2016

superjieli64 says...  Thanks i'll put it in my want to watch list and consider again☺


It doesn't have as much obvious filler as a show such as Bleach or Naruto! :)

Sianeka Feb 17, 2016

superjieli64 says...  Thanks i have. Glad that i know what anime to watch next b4 the current one im working finished, btw when i see an anime anime with alot of episodes i have this fear that maybe theres alot of fillers and i dont want to force myself to watch it. So do u know of any anime that has alot of episode but it has close to almost no fillers?


I'm probably the most wrong person to ask that particular question, since I never, ever skip over filler and watch it all and often enjoy it as much as I do the canon stuff.  It's often amusing side stories or humorous interludes.  Very rare is filler to me actually "boring fill-in-the-extra-time" stuff.  I found a couple of episodes like that in most "epic-length" shows.  I think that because of the nature of how the shows are created, long shows with lots of episodes generally all have some filler.


I think one title that is good about not having much filler that has a decent amount of episodes is FMA/FMAB.  


Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - One of my favorite viewing experiences. They were creating the first series, FMA, while the manga was still being written so while the first part of the series is very similar to the manga, the middle and ending are quite different.  Second series, Brotherhood, was created after the manga series was completed and follows the manga storyline much more closely. However, a lot of the first part of the story was more thoroughly covered in the first series. Since story setup and characters are introduced in the first part of the story, I recommend seeing them both, in chronological order. (I know, it’s a bit of a time investment!)



Yes, I know watching the Fullmetal Alchemist titles can represent a significant time investment, but it is truly a worthwhile watch.  After all, it is not consistently rated as #1 anime on this site and other anime sites for nothing!  To save time, some people skip watching the original series, Fullmetal Alchemist, and just watch Brotherhood since they’ve heard that Brotherhood is the more modern re-working of the original series, and because it follows the original source manga storyline more closely, and is a better overall experience.  However, folks that do that really shortchange themselves, because the original series DID follow the manga in the beginning and the beginning is where you get the characters and storyline introduced.  Which, you hafta admit, is super crucial to watching: the initial setup.  In my opinion, Brotherhood shortchanges us there, since it's assumed that viewers have already seen the original and so setup and character introduction is rushed and not nearly as well done as the original, since it doesn't want to copy the original and the beginning story arc was done so thoroughly and so well in the first version.


Just for reference, FMA = 51 episodes and FMAB = 64 episodes.  FMAB is the better show, but you miss important setup and introduction if you skip the first 10 episodes of FMA...


I hope you do invest the time to watch these some time in the future!

Sianeka Feb 4, 2016

Hello!! I hope you have been enjoying your time on a-p!!  ^_^

KonaIzumi Jan 18, 2016

Your welcome! :3

Let me know if there's any that caughs your eye! :D

KonaIzumi Jan 18, 2016

Well, I don't have a specific list of romance adventure anime but somes may be in these two list I have ^^



Hope you find something you like! List 1 / List 2