Blood-C - Reviews

andreichekov's avatar
Nov 23, 2016

So, the big problem with this show is that it is garbage. Thats a big problem for a show.

They seriously have episodes where our heroi waits for people to die before acting. I can't accept that.

spoilers from here on

So, in episode 8, she sees a monster outside her school, and she waits until it eats half of her fucking class before doing anything. thats 12 people dead for no reason. she could have done anything else. They only died because she was too slow. She's been shown to be both willing and capable of fighting before. And then this time she just waits until a bunch of them die before doing anything. fuck no. show is shit

Oh, and also, she just watches people die for the first 4 minutes of episode 9. I couldn't finish it. We were meant to have a hero, not someone that watches people die.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
2/10 overall
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tollie01's avatar
Jan 10, 2021

First some items I need to adress. I'm Dutch to expect some spelling errors, if they are to annoying just message me and I'll fix it.

My opinion may vary from others and this is fine. People are different so there is a good chance that I will not like what you love. Deal with it. I'm not telling you that you should hate it too, I'm telling you why I didn't like it.

I'll try to keep swearing to a minimum but fail utterly on occasion. In general it is the more the anime pisses me off the more I swear so watch out for the low scored ones.

Art: It's fine. It's so very hard these days to screw this part up with the use of CGI in so many shows. Not outstanding but certainly not bad either. It does what it needs to do.

Sound: I very rarely pay any attention to the music. It should be there but not overshadow what is on screen and in that regard it succeeded. Voice acting is fine.

Characters: The main character is Saya. She is outwardly a normal girl who tends to be a bit of a klutz who is bad at sports. In reality she sets out to fight monsters that find their way into town in order to feed on the towns people.

Tadayoshi is Saya's father and priest at the shrine they life at. He directs Saya to where she is needed in order to stop the monsters.

Fumito owns a cafe right next to the shrine and Saya visits here on a dayly basis for coffee and food. He always listenes to her problems and provides her with advice when needed.

Story. Saya lives happily with her father at their shrine, where he is the priest. She goes to school at the sleepy mountain town and has some good friends at school. At night she prowls the streets hunting for monsters who infiltrated the town in order to feast on the people there. As the number of attacks keep going up she finds that her vow to protect everyone is harder and harder to keep.

Rant. Where to begin here? First the obvious; this takes place in the blood franchice same as Blood + and Blood, the movie so there are many things that are familiar. In those stories Saya is the last original vampire who fights monsters for a living. In the movie she knows sho and what she is and simply goes out killing. The series she starts out with amnesia and slowly learns who she really is. Blood C is somewhere between these 2. She knows that she is special and capable of defeating these monsters but her recollection of past events is hazy.

This anime is not good in that the story is weak and incredibly forced at times. It is also unintentially hilarious. I laughed my ass off at times by the amount of bullshit or irony on screen. Go watch this as a comedy but not as a horror.

1/10 story
6/10 animation
6/10 sound
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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onigafuchi's avatar
Apr 5, 2012

(Spoilers ahead, you have been warned)

Overview -

Alright I'll start with my overall review for people who want the actual main point. Being a fan of this the Blood+ series, I thought this might be good. As I started watching, it all felt really bland, couldn't really get into the anime. As it progressed, there seemed to be a sort of 'behind-the-scenes' plot going on, so I stuck with it, despite the way it was being dragged out while gore was stuffed down my throat. I watched it all the way through, and they just throw it out at what seems like random near the end, and throw in a gore-fest for the final episode. Needless to say at this point there wasn't a way for it to be salvaged. The music was plain, and the background sounds and music didn't do much to pull you in, the characters were your run-of-the-mill standards, at least until the end, and as you might have gathered, the story was junk. I think I'm giving it a high score with what I rated this. I wouldn't suggest this to anyone, and I sincerely hope this piece is never dredged up again.

Story - 

Dragged out the main points way to long, only to have every bit of it tossed at you in a unique yet uninteresting way at the end, and nearly every episode after the first few seem to be centered around people being ripped limb from limb. Not to mention with the way it worked out, might as well have been a prologue to another anime, though one is not in the works, doubtful one will be, and it throws it's own prologue at you at the end with the subtlety of a nuclear bomb.

Animation - 

It has decent, fluid animation, but it's most definitely emphasized on the gore. While the animation itself is good, it is by far centered around the deaths of these monsters and how they kill people.

Sound - 

Generic, and altogether uninteresting, it serves to detach you from any bit of the plot. The only plus I can give it is that it exists, and the opening is at least decent.

Characters -

Starting with the main character, Saya - Our at first seemingly kind and wouldn't harm a fly, by night becomes a monster-slaying princess. Her by-day personality is extremely hard to like, due to what seems a lack of faults and, begging pardon for using this word in relation to anime, realism. The thing that makes a character likable are their faults and personality quirks. Appearing slightly airheaded and somewhat thick-headed doesn't quite cut it. The secondary cast of the father, main group of friends (one friend-zoned guy/ pair of lively twins/ level-headed best friend/ mysterious guy who likes her and she starts to like) and home room teacher. For them I have this to say, and I can't think of anything else I can use to critique them - GENERIC. The way they are, the way it plays out, I have seen so many times I could gag, and these are so absolutely into it, the only way to add actual personality to these characters would be to hit them all in the head with a wrench. Yes, I have watched it all the way through, and I know they were all acts in the end, but really, I count the majority of the episodes more than the ending, especially in this case.

All in all, I wish I had the time back I wasted on this anime. The only thing I hope for now   is that this review might possibly save someone some of their precious time that could be better spent on watching paint dry.

2/10 story
6/10 animation
2/10 sound
3/10 characters
2.5/10 overall
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Funnycupquake's avatar
Jul 25, 2017


8/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
5/10 characters
7/10 overall
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m4rc1d1u5's avatar
Sep 14, 2015

Fight are boring as hell.  The protagonist is very weak. If you want to watch a action anime dont go with this one

5/10 story
3/10 animation
4/10 sound
2/10 characters
4/10 overall
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