Shousetsu Touko Site wo Riyou Shite Itara, Class no Heroine ga Dokusha Datta - Reviews

Shousetsu Touko Site wo Riyou Shite Itara, Class no Heroine ga Dokusha Datta
Klra's avatar
Dec 16, 2020

This manga is a bit bland. Maybe it's because it follows the "Loner in class X Beauty of the class" Trope, or because it's so short. 

The characters are boring maybe because they are very common to see in mangas nowadays. The art is average and the story would be better if it's a little longer. 

This definitely had potential but the ending just came all of a sudden.

Is it bad?- NO

Is it good?- NO

Do I recommend it?- Only if you feel like wasting your time.





8/10 story
7/10 art
4/10 characters
6/10 overall
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