Library of Heaven’s Path (Novel) - Reviews

Alt title: Tian Dao Tu Shu Guan (Novel)

Library of Heaven’s Path (Novel)
DragonMonarch's avatar
May 17, 2021

This novel is one of my favourites. The MC is OP and way too shameless. The one thing I liked most about this series is that it does not have the "almost every sect/clan trying to chase and kill MC for his treasure or skill" theme. It is too hilarious and has too many face-slapping. The author did a great job in giving almost every side character a good closure before moving further in the story. I highly recommend this novel

9/10 story
?/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
135dragon's avatar
Jan 5, 2022

One of the better cultivation novels out there. Minor Spoilers Ahead.

Read if you want: 

  • Comedic World centered around cultivation with more of a focus on the side professions (teaching, farming, etc.)
  • A well developed and thought out plot, with unbelievable insanity being thrown in
  • Side characters are loveable.

Story was great. It reads as a comedic adventure centering around the insanity that our MC causes. There's lots of face slapping involved, and the formula is pretty generic, but it was still enjoyable to read. Only complaint I had is that for a novel which focused on the side professions, they really only focused on the major ones, but to be fair, there's a lot of professions involved. I wanted to see him use his miscellaneous skills more and learn even more professions, but the author still managed to balance them all and make it hilarious so all's good. 

MC goes through great character development, his students were never the focus of the story but they do undergo character development as well though definitely not as much. His romance annoyed me, but it makes sense. Still annoyed me. Villains were interesting, most of them are humanized as much as possible so you can feel sympathy for them. You probably won't, but you can. There's a couple characters which could've been implemented better, much much better. When you get to the finale, you'll know who I mean. 

Speaking of the Finale, I actually liked the finale for this book, moreso than any other cultivation book I've finished. It was hilarious and action-packed, but a bit cheezy as well. It was great.

9/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
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