Tokyo Ghoul √A - Reviews

MissH's avatar
Feb 12, 2016

Warning: Spoiler Alert

Season two begins immediately after the first season ends. After Kaneki kills Jason and escapes, he saves Touka from her brother and then leaves with the other ghoul clan, much to everyone's surprise.

Kaneki in this season is such a contrast to last season. Before I called him whiny and infuriating, he was self-wallowing and stood by as others got hurt or killed by his weakness. That Kaneki is gone. It's like he's a completely different person! He's stronger now, both physically and mentally after embracing his ghoul side. He's no longer scared to fight and when he does, he's incredibly bad ass. I couldn't wait to see him on screen - that's how epic and cool he was! In fact, he's so different that on occasion I've questioned whether I judged him correctly or not from season one. But after some time, I stand by what I said about him before. And as epic and bad ass as he is now, I feel sad that that sweet awkward boy is gone. I literally still can't believe it's the same person. It boggles my mind!

The person who is most affected by Kaneki's transformation and abandonment is Touka. In season one, Kaneki was always there for her despite her being quite mean to him most of the time. But you could also see that she liked him. These feelings are amplified this season as we can see her missing him, studying hard in order to get into the same college as him and running from the library just to see him. Though in typical Touka fashion, she ends up lashing out at him in anger and frustration. But it was beyond sweet to see him smile after her.

Halfway through the season we learn why Kaneki left with the other ghoul clan. He left in order to get stronger in order to protect the ones he loves. This was revealed after he got his ass kicked by a ghoul they released from containment. He's in turmoil, saying he needs to be strong to protect everyone and his ghoul side responds and makes his kugane evolve into centipedes. He also starts eating fellow ghouls which alters his kugane too. I got the impression that cannibal ghouls are disgusting to other ghouls but in his lust for strength, Kaneki didn't care. It took Ammon chiding him for Kaneki to snap out of it and my heart broke when he broke down crying in front of Ammon. It's such a contrast to how I felt about him crying in season one!

Like season one, the CCG are still hunting ghouls but this time with the help of two new agents - a weird boy called Stitches who used to live and fight for ghouls and Mado's daughter. We learn that Mado hated ghouls so much because his wife was killed by the one-eyed owl. So I can understand his hatred, but never his cruelty. After fighting ghoul attacks all season and failing, the CCG launch a full scale attack on Antique coffee shop based on a tip that was given to them by the other ghoul clan.

During this battle, we discover that the old man who runs the coffee shop is the one-eyed owl. He plus two others stay behind to fight whilst Hiname and Touka are kept safe elsewhere. The two fighting alongside the Owl do so because they feel they need retribution for the atrocities they committed before joining Antique. Along with their old gangs they manage to put up a good fight. But on the brink of defeat, Kaneki arrives. He rescues the two ghouls from Antique before facing Ammon. The other ghoul clan follow Kaneki and fight the CCG too. But they take enjoyment from it, Kaneki doesn't. He doesn't say much anymore, he just does what he must and what he thinks is right.

I therefore believe that Kaneki could be the bridge between humans and ghouls. Being both, he understands both points of view. Plus he doesn't want to fight and he's shown Ammon that he won't let others die unnecessarily - even if they're human. I believe that through Kaneki, humans and ghouls could establish a peace. But will either side allow it to happen?

All through the season, Kaneki's friend Hide had been nosying around the CCG to get information on his wherabouts. It was quite sweet that throughout Kaneki's disappearance, Hide never gave up on him. So it was unbelievably sad that when they finally reunite, Hide dies. But I think Kaneki needed to hear Hide accept him, which he did. I'm also happy that the two Kaneki saved from the battle realised that he left in the first place to become strong and to protect them.

The season ended on a cliffhanger. Firstly, a second one-eyed owl took the original owl away and it was revealed that Eto was the old man's daughter and secondly, Kaneki walked, unmasked straight into the CCG. I don't know what will happen next but I'm glad there are talks of another season!

The anime left a few unanswered questions too. Why did Kaneki's hair keep changing colour? How did Antique catch on fire? Is Ammon dead? Why is Eto evil? If Touka ran to join the fighting, then why was she just running around and never getting anywhere? What happened to the twin one-eyed ghoul girls? And why and how did they become ghouls in the first place?

My favourite moments included  Kaneki spelling out Jason, Kaneki's smirk/smile when Touka punched him, Kaneki saving the CCG agents and Ammon seeing him do it, Kaneki saying he doesn't want to fight Ammon but he will, Kaneki saving his friends, Kaneki carrying Hide, unmasked towards the CCG, Touka's brother saving her from falling debris, every single Kaneki fight, when Kaneki broke down in tears in front of Ammon, Kaneki getting his ass kicked but desperate not to be weak, revealing he needs to be stronger to protect the ones he loves making his kugane evolve into centipedes, Kaneki keeping the gates open with his kugane and Kaneki saving Touka at the very beginning.

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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corkboard's avatar
Apr 7, 2015

I enjoyed the first season, even if it didn't (couldn't really) live up to the hype.  The second season upholds the amazing artistic vision and the high production values of the first, making it a pleasure to look at.  Missing, however, is the same level of plot coherence and character development.  The second season seems rushed and disjointed.  Very little is explained in the first two thirds, leading up to an ending of Shakespearan melodrama which is deeply unsatisifying.

Even knowing this, I probably still would have watched it though.

3/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
4/10 characters
6/10 overall
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Simknight5's avatar
Mar 31, 2015

I can't wait till they release season 3

season 1 was good and i didnt think that they could make season 2 so much better so season 3 will proberbly be AWESOME

6/10 story
10/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Alvays's avatar
Apr 16, 2016

WHY HIDE!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!

9/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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ClaudyxKay's avatar
Apr 10, 2022

I'll be honest...

This season is a LOT worse than season 1. 

Don't get me wrong, season 1 was amazing, but..

I have absolutely got no idea what's going on in this season.

I had high hopes for this season ngl.

2/10 story
10/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
4/10 overall
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