Parasyte -the maxim- - Reviews

Alt title: Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu

Jannyluu's avatar
Dec 30, 2017

I've been putting off watching this anime for so long, for whatever reason, and now that I've actually completed it I've wondered why I haven't watched this anime sooner. 

Recently it's been hard for me to find an anime that is captivating enough for me to continue the series, though by the end of Episode 1 of Parsyte I immediately went on to the next episode, and the next and the next. I was almost about to finish the entire series in one day, but I chose not to because I was getting too involved in a few of the characters and didn't want to see the show end so quickly. 

The soundtrack and animation, in my opinion, is both equally beautiful. They know when to appropriately insert the right song for whatever precise moment, which then results in more feels for a particular scene. 

I was a bit confused on some aspects of the plot because it moved a bit too fast for me, however I was able to understand the main underlying message of the series. The characters were, for the most part, excellent however there a couple here and there where I questioned their purpose in the show. Shinichi's along with Migi's character development was refreshing to witness. 

It was extremely gratifying to have a nice ending to wrap up this series because I was able to get some type of closure and a sense of good feeling from the finale.

Therefore, tying everything up, I give Parasyte a 9/10 rating.

8/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
trashcan007's avatar
Oct 21, 2023

This anime is great.

The storyline is amazing. The concept is interesting but dark. The action scenes were brief but strategic and good. I like how the MC is not overpowered.

The characters are relatable and well-developed. Great deep villains as well.

Some of the minor things I could see some people bothered with, that didn't spoil the anime for me, include the fact that:

  • There are a few unrealistic occurrences and naivety that you’re forced to ignore. 
  • There are a few sad and graphic moments- which are understandable (due to the dark theme).
  • There is also a censored/implied s3x scene between two mature 18ish year-olds.

Definitely philosophical. It makes you question what it takes to be human. It's a rare anime that actually leaves you a better person after watching it. Overall a 9/10.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
Panma's avatar
Apr 8, 2018

The easiest way to describe Parasyte the maxim is by calling it a story of exaggerations. Obviously it's a work of science fiction but that's not the kind of exaggeration I'm talking about. When was the last time someone seriously asked you "are you human?" My guess is never but if you were to watch this anime you'd think people question the literal humanity of those around them all the time. 

This story had a significant amount of promise, but, as mentioned before, the completely over the top exaggerations ruin the message and the pacing. The main character starts as an over-the-top brat who falls into the cliche of not being able to decide a course of action. He comes across as the type of person that if you asked "what do you want for dinner?" would starve before making a decision.

Which is coupled by pivotal plot points being dependent on these exaggerations. When someone is trying to kill you, do you A) run away, B) fight back, or C) go into hysterics and attempt to hug your attacker? If you picked C, then you'll probably feel right at home with this anime. If you picked either A or B, like I imagine most of us would, then you're probably going to find yourself annoyed by the poor decision making qualities of just about everyone in this story. 

The writers also can't seem to decide on how powerful the main character is. One moment he's superman, the next he's a wet noodle. 

Despite all these shortcomings, the story is unique enough, and makes a good enough recovery in the second half that a lot of these issues can be at least tolerated. 

If the second half of this anime were the tone for all of it, I'd easily give it 9's in story and characters, but sadly that's not the case.

6/10 story
6/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
jerryohiggins's avatar
Sep 23, 2020

This anime is stupid. The lead protagonist is the typical moronic weakling that's common in modern anime. And, of course, every woman in the anime falls in love with him for no reason at all. If only real life were like anime and all you need to do to be surrounded by a harem is be useless and stupid.But not only is he stupid, everyone in this anime is. For instance (no spoiler) there's a high school girl that finds out one of her classmates is a homocidal cannibal parasite so she decides to tell no one but rather confront him with the info in an empty classroom with no witnesses. What kind of idiot would do that? No person would ever do something that stupid.

Another nonsense aspect of the show is that everyone keeps everything they know secret. Most of the issues that arise would have been resolved if everyone would tell what they know. There's no reason to keep it secret other than that being a useful gimmick for the writers. Most of the interpersonal issues between characters would be resolved if they told each other what they know.

The characters have no identifiable human psychology. There is never any real reason driving any of their actions.  Nothing is rational or reasonable. There's one scene where the parasite is going through the school killing whoever gets in his way and the dumbshit protagonist calmly saunters around while everyone is getting killed. He's supposed to be rushing to stop the murders and protect the woman he loves and yet he won't even walk fast to get there.Stupid.

Despite it's failings, it's still a more entertaining anime than most. You just have to constantly work to suspend your disbelief because the writing is so assinine.

6/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
4/10 characters
6/10 overall
PurplePeopleEater's avatar
Oct 22, 2015

I will keep this short and sweet. I enjoyed this anime. It's animation is average and the pattern of the story isn't unusual or overly unique. It's a parasitic life form which tries to take over the brain and eats humans in order to live. One little parisite doesn't quite make it to the brain and so we have a human with a talking parasite as his right hand. There is plenty of blood and fighting and characters actually do die ect. The story is good, but that isn't what really drew me in. I love how the story addressed so many complex and relevant questions. I enjoyed watching two characters who saw the world and humans differently. I also enjoyed the fact that the anime didn't look at the parasites as being all bad. It actually looked at the posibility that the parasites were good and despite the difference in thinking, were very similar to humans. I feel this is one of those animes that make you think but also try to look at the situations from an unconventional manner. Not only that, but I think it did a very good job at doing so. I also enjoyed the soundtrack.

The anime also has a good ending. It's not the ending I wanted (because I didn't want it to end yet) but it wraped things up neatly. It left possibilities for a second season, but it didn't make it feel unfinished, so if there is no second season, it wouldn't be problem. Questions were answered and there weren't a ton of loose ends. It felt complete. I feel that is something that very few animes manage to accomplish, so that alone scores some major points.

See I told you this one would be short, and for once I stayed true to my word. I bet you didn't see that one coming!

9/10 story
8/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
9/10 overall