jashan92's avatar


  • Canadaaa
  • Joined Nov 24, 2010
  • 31 / F

Show is still ongoing but so far i wouldn`t say that it`s a bad show. It`s simply to understand and funny at points. It starts off with a guy who only plays those dating sim games, but then he has to start getting real girls to love him. It's interesting to see how he used his game techniques on real girls. Recommend to watch, but it isn't a really lovely dovey show especially because he changes girls after like very episode.



so the show has now finished and i still think it was a nice show. I agree with the comment below that the last episode wasn't really all that great. I would rather not even watch that one. The show could've also gone on longer because i just feel as if it didn't really end. I would still recommend watching the show. Oh and after the girl didn't change every episode it did go on for like 3 episodes before she changed. :)

8/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
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MageOnx Dec 24, 2010

I reccomend skipping the last episode... It just ruins the feeling you have throughout the series, especially after Shiori's appearance and her librarian romantic story. (gah, the last ep left such a bitter taste in my mouth...) =^='

Tell me I'm not the only one who believes that the last episode was unnecessary!!