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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012)

Nov 27, 2012

When I heard that there was going to be an anime adaptation for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, I was pretty excited. I'm not sure if the phrase "cult classic" is quite right, but people seem to really like it, and as I've said before, I'm not a huge manga reader. Anyway, I figured if everyone liked it, so would I. Well I didn't. And I tried. I finally ended up dropping the show after realizing that I was watching it out of a sense of obligation to a well-known thing. I'll admit I feel bad about not finishing it, but I just couldn't make it through. Here are my reasons: Reason 1: It looks like a... See full review

5/10 story
4/10 animation
2/10 sound
2/10 characters
4/10 overall


Nov 6, 2012

This anime is reeeeeally Japanese and I definitely wouldn't recommend it to just anyone. It has layers and layers of meaningful levels, is full of references to parts of Japanese culture that the average international viewer wouldn't usually know about (including myself--I could often tell there was a reference without knowing exactly what it implied), and it bases much of its humor off kanji and wordplay. If you watch Joshiraku and all you giggle at are the girls' antics, you're probably missing half of it. Story: Not rated because there really isn't one, just a series of sketches. Animation: Pretty... See full review

?/10 story
7/10 animation
9/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.9/10 overall