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Megane na Kanojo

Mar 13, 2011


The stories that make up this series, are a group of short romance stories, where the female protaganist always wears glasses. The individual stories were pretty entertaining to watch, as the story reveals the nature of each couples relationship. I would have to say that the stories did peak my interest. There were moments when the stories did seem cliched and predictable, but overall they seemed to avoid this.


The animation here is not that great, but its not that terrible either. The backgrounds did seem dead, and I was annoyed with the uses of stills. The characters were designed ok, but the whole series did not seem to have all that good of an art scheme.


Since we get less than 15 minuted with each set of characters from each story, it would be insane to expect them to have moments of character development. All that we needed to know about the characters is set up early and effectively. While at times the characters did seem a bit dull, it portrayed a wide variety of personalities behind the girls who wear the glasses, which I did like. For the less than 15 minutes that we get with each character set, I felt that they were pretty good.


I felt that Megane na Kanojo was a pretty good, little short series to watch. I would recommend it to those who do not have a whole lot of time to watch anime, as the total runtime of the entire series is about an hour, and it is pretty good for the time we get.

7.5/10 story
4/10 animation
?/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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