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MOJ Aug 12, 2011

Yeah i kind of forgot people younger than me would also be watching anime. I guess nosebleeds are a more subtle form of expressing lust (for lack of a better word).

As for the tech, i agree with all you have to say. You did notice that the most recent episodes had the feudal lords talking via modern television cameras? But yes, advanced technology would ruin a lot of the fun. Its good to see what ninja powers each character has and how (s)he uses them.

MOJ Aug 8, 2011

Yet again hi :P Just saw your comment on my Naruto rant...

I actually dont mind anything about Naurto other than Emo Sakura and Naruto and the fillers. The Technical props aspect of Naruto doesn't bother me but i still had to put it into my blog. You say that tech probably evolved differently becase they are in a different world. Yeah i can accept that as well as the Ninja magic  but some things still dont make sense. How come they have modern boats yet have no other land transport than walking?

MOJ Aug 8, 2011

Hello again. I don't know whether i replied to your comment on my blog (some things i hate about anime) but i will do so now.

For the nosebleeds cliche, the fact is, i just can't relate to it at all. When i see a beautiful girl i (...well i look away for religious reasons...) tend not to have a hydraulic nosebleed all over the floor :D. i understand what you mean when you say it is funny sometimes but i bet watching male characters trying to hide erections would be much more hilarious than a blastoff-like nosebleed.

As for the big eyes, i only find big eyes cute on children or babies (where big eyes belong). Teenage girls having big eyes just makes them look weird. It portrays them more than just innocent, it almost feels like they are completely clueless. Anyways the problem i have with the big eyes is not really the size, but the unrealistic look of them. The big eyes look...fake, even in an anime. People will find girls who they can relate to more cute even if they had smaller eyes than a girl with soccer balls for eyes.

cassiesheepgirl Jun 30, 2011


We don't have an official review up for bleach because it is an ongoing series and the reviewers only review a series that is finished and they have seen all the episodes of. The only exception is that there's a random one piece review up, but that was added before the rule came into effect.

It may not be much consolation, but if you are interested in my actual thoughts about bleach I do have a site format manga review on my community review page. The only way that review differs from my opinion on the anime is that the anime gets a much lower score based on the excessive fillers in ridiculous places and the extremely variable animation quality - good at times, but at others it's really, REALLY bad.

MOJ May 30, 2011

WOW those are a LOT of fillers...Thank you so much for pointing them out. I hope to start this seris in the coming days