Yume no Kodomo - Reviews

Alt title: Children of Dreams

Yume no Kodomo
Dainex's avatar
Dec 18, 2019

The beginning is slow (with the introduction of more than needed characters), it wasn't until volume 1 chapter ~3 that it starts getting interesting. The characters are so well fleshed-out, acting as their own entity instead of a conglomeration of generic traits (such as the rabbit hole Hirose goes through, or Ren turning to sex to hide from reality.) There is nothing interesting about the love-triangle plot, but the lingering effects of denial, manipulation and entrapment were extremely insightful to a troubled soul like myself. The author's notes were a kind touch, especially hearing about her new child. The ending is perfectly heartbreaking. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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