Tenkyuugi - Reviews

Alt title: A Celestial Globe

nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Oct 4, 2022

Tenkyuugi is a silly little oneshot. Not quite a gag manga, but in that ballpark. Many of the jokes are either slapstick or absurdist (or both). I honestly think it would've been funnier if the friends' efforts were even more outlandish and reckless than they were. As is, that aspect doesn't rise above being just slightly amusing. As for the outer space parts of the manga, I personally didn't find those funny, like, at all. The jokes just didn't land for me. I can intellectually recognize the absurdity and the slapstick nature of some of the interactions, but my reaction was just like "oka~ay, so it's the same joke ten times?"

Beyond the humor, there's nothing worthwhile about this. And I wasn't very impressed with the humor.

2/10 story
3/10 art
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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SaiTatter's avatar
Aug 29, 2016

It's a great one shot. A boy whose dream is to become an astronaut test the death himself and his friends are trying to bring him back. The story was cool, there were some good comic scenes. On the other hand, the story could be a little longer, but Pico showed him the entire universe which was "quite small" from what we now so there weren't many possiblities. I recommend it. Fast action, little pages and funny moments.

9/10 story
9.5/10 art
8/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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