Email activation and other updates


Forum Moderator
Anime-Planet Founder
I've done a bunch of updates today:
-Minor profile updates, including removing some values if they don't exist, and changing age from 2007 which was curiously showing up for age if it didn't exist, to just "?"

-Warnings in the registration about needing a value email address, and a link for where to go if you get stuck

-EMAIL ACTIVATION. This was a huge feature I needed to get up, but since it's a boring feature I put it off for a long time. It works perfectly now. Now, I can do "forgot your password" since it's the same sort of idea.

-Better username validation. Now, only alphanumeric characters can be used. I am slowly contacting the tons of people who have things like _ or - in their usernames; if you are one of these people, do me a favor and take the initiative to contact me and tell me what username you'd like instead, so I don't have to write yet another email.
Tomorrow I'll put up the new AniRec home features (list of the week, etc) and more.
Oh, and about 10 entries were added tonight too. Go to the Recent Anime page to see all of them. Keep those entries coming! I'll update the anirec requests page in the morning.