Yoshiyuki TERADA

Aka: Hyun-moon KWON

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Torchy7321 Sep 20, 2023

Sigh 😔 where does one even begin to talk about how creepy this freak is? I seriously don't even need to explain why it's very disgusting to even insert a story in a kids demographic anime where a teacher and a minor have a relationship. This is one thing I will never understand in old shoujos and especially when it aimed towards young girls in general. Why is it that mangaka authors have the need to insert age gap relationships? Just why?! It's not that even the concept of it that exists that we have a right to complain about. The problem with it is that when a teacher and a student have a relationship where they have feelings for each other, not one sided, that 100% means the adult in question may groom the minor wether he or she isn't intended to do anything bad to the student and in this case of mr terada well he was a nice guy in the anime I say for a bit but in the manga yeah we don't mention that

seriously theres literally no reason to insert plot points like this. This is why many people in the anime community nowdays say x didn't age well because of this.

now I know you some will say that "why you so mad that they have been doing this for years"

the reason why im angry is because I've been watching this anime since 5th grade and binged it one time on my moms computer. And i didn't notice how creepy this relationship because I had a crush on my teacher since elementary school but thankfully nothing sus happened unlike any of the relationships that were handled in the series. So that's one of the reasons as a kid I turned on a blind eye. 

Looking back at the series, there's no way I'll say this is the most wholesome anime ever, (not that I think it's not, still love the series and think it's great)

but because this kind of shit that appears in the series this will cause many viewers as adults no longer see this as innocent as they think due to the fact that CLAMP continued to romanticize this and this is objectively not okay and considering that in many ways fiction affects reality. Idk what to even say expect that I can't even look at the anime the same way I did as a kid.

Rant Over! 

MiniiChan Jul 23, 2023

Sir you are a pedo ... -.-

chloe4656 Jul 7, 2023

This guy is such a creep and shame on the writers for making a character like this.

slowdive Feb 17, 2023

disgusting 🤢🤢🤮