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  • Michigan
  • Joined May 26, 2009
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Romeo x Juliet

Jul 2, 2010

-Story-To say that RomeoXJuliet is based on the play Romeo and Juliet is just sheer insanity. There are only two things that this series and the play have in common is the characters and that it was a tragedy. But even with this series, and knowing that this is a completely new story, the story itself did not hold up well. I felt that when it was made, they changed the storyline at least a dozen times and that the story introduced in episode 1 has very little corrilation with the conclusion at the end of the series. This series suffers from severe plot ADD, with constant jumping around with very weak links... See full review

2/10 story
4.5/10 animation
?/10 sound
4/10 characters
3.5/10 overall