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MS Zeta Gundam

Kidou Senshi Zeta Gundam, Gundam Z, or more commonly known in english as MS Zeta Gundam is the direct sequel to MS Gundam 0079.Premiering almost 8 years from its predecessor continues the darker tale of a never ending war between the people of earths federation and the spacenoids.

Animation looks fantastic. I thankfully got to watch the show in 1080p. Crisp, sharp edges of not only the "Mobile Suits" themselves, but of the characters, even space itself show off a darker and more intimate side in contrast from the original. From the opening sequence, to the eye catchers in the middle, all the way to the ending sequence.

Soundtrack is epic as ever, especially in the last leg of episodes. Opening theme for the first 25 episodes is catchy and light, while the remaining 25 turns toward a more serious opening. Closing theme remains the same thru out the whole series and is a real pop treat.

New characters breath refreshing new life into the universe, while original characters have grown up creating a whole new element to the story. Finally, this time around we get to focus more on the creators original intent,which is the exploration of "newtypes" and if anything being that it's 8 years later "cyber-newtypes". War escalates, turning friends into foes and vice versa.

For the fans of the Gundam universe.If you have not watch MS Gundam 0079 then I don't recommend watching this installment of the series. You could try, but trust me you will be lost. Much darker then the original. You truly will see the "Tears Of Time"



9.5/10 story
8.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.8/10 overall
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