KurosuGemu's avatar


  • North Carolina, US
  • Joined Dec 2, 2009
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Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

Dec 3, 2009

Boy, did Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (TM8) come out of nowhere and completely surprise me. Story: 10/10 The story is fascinating and fresh. There is a disclaimer at the beginning of each episode that states a large amount of research concerning earthquakes and such were done as the show is striving for realism. The show is fiction, but this sense of realism adds to the emotional story. Further, the flow of the story, for the most part, is excellent and will make viewers want to watch the episodes consecutively. Animation: 8/10 The character drawings range from “average” at worst to... See full review

10/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
8/10 overall