Tokyo Ghoul √A

Is there any contextual meaning to that sub title or is it just that a '2' is too mainstream?

The symbol (√) is a mathematical symbol that stands for root, which in this case I believe means (√2).


I've seen it around other places as well.
I don't believe it has a contextual meaning. Just a mathematical one that arisen for whatever reason.
Too mainstream possibly.
Yeah, I know what a square root is. I did complete primary school. :laugh: I was just curious because that's an awkward title to type if they want people to look up their show and share it for example. Kind of counter intuitive.
Yeah, I know what a square root is. I did complete primary school. :laugh: I was just curious because that's an awkward title to type if they want people to look up their show and share it for example. Kind of counter intuitive.

I wasn't trying to belittle your knowledge. Just thought if I could inform if you're uninformed I would. :hamster:

I've always thought it was awkward as well.
Because it's edgy, and Tokyo Ghoul is super edgy.

I think that about covers it, no?

The whole series (season 1 and most certainly season 2) in a nutshell, yeah i think this seems right.

I dunno if to bother on this one, the first season was such a let down, it went so bad so quick it sucked at sucking, and well err it sucked...
The title is even more off putting, why "√A"? It's annoying as heck to type in forums, does it get some dumb pleasure knowing it makes my life harder to mock it?

Anyway i might give it a try... 'might' being a key word. Basically if the night it airs weekly happens to have very few other shows im watching on... then i will consider turning into some weird masochist who completes the anime just for the sake of completion purposes despite the pain i will likely sustain (mentally). Otherwise if there are at least 2 other series airing that night that i am watching (i hope there is) i think i will pass this on...

I will probably drop it if i do try it though...
Oh, Tokyo Ghoul is total edgefest. It doesn't come close to Mirrai Nikki, but it's on the "right" path.

I watched the first season (found it pretty disappointing) and read a manga to a certain point where I was still feeling that I was getting something.

And somewhere I now don't remember I completely stopped caring about this, so I most likely won't watch it.
Not going to pick up much for the upcoming season, over did it last season,

but this one is an obligation.......along with K basketball.
I'm just going to write the title Square Root of A just as reminder that there better be some actual meaning to it beyond being too cool to call the fuckin' thing Tokyo Ghoul 2.
I doubt I'll even start the season. For completion's sake I normally would, but just remembering that

the cannibalistic flamboyant ghoul

is still alive drains whatever motivation I could have. I don't want to see that wretch in my screen ever again.
I shall be calling it Tokyo Fool2, after referring to S1 as Tokyo Foolz.

I'm so clever.
I doubt I'll even start the season. For completion's sake I normally would, but just remembering that

the cannibalistic flamboyant ghoul

is still alive drains whatever motivation I could have. I don't want to see that wretch in my screen ever again.

the cannibalistic flamboyant ghoul


I kid I kid. c;
Yes, the flamboyant cannibal was fucking atrocious and his arc was world breaking.
His arc in the first season pissed all over the established world building in the series. His character is an insult to the audience because right after being told how careful ghouls have to be to hide themselves we have this arc where they have a massive underground club to eat humans for sport. The very concept of the club goes against all the rules against discretion. Not to mention the final battle happens in a huge church in the middle of town.
It's funny because while that character is still fucking awful in the manga, the anime basically tried to make him a shitty ripoff of Hannibal from the TV series.

Besides we all know the best name for this sequel would be Tokyo Ghoul 2 Electric Bugaloo. The show would still suck, but it'd have a great title. Or it could have gone a title to let us know how shit it was going to be like 2 Tokyo 2 Ghoul.