[Request] A short summary in user's profile for recs, reviews and custom lists


New Member
So I'm checking out the user's profile. I read his bio, then I click on his anime list, then on his manga list...

but then on his anime recommendation list, on his manga recommendation list, on his reviews list and finally on his custom lists list. Just to check if there's actually any content available.

Please consider showing a short summary of his overall activity on the main profile page, so I can stop checking out all these links only to find nothing in most cases.

A simple "This user wrote 2 reviews, 3 anime recommendations, 1 manga recommendation and created 4 custom lists" will be fine.
I remember some of this information being more out in the open before the new version. I wonder if a tooltip could be made - you could hover over Recommendations, Feed, I Love/Hate, etc, and it could show the newest results/updates. I'd especially love this for Feed, that way I wouldn't have to click the link.
I would like to bump this request, These seems like a great feature, especially for mobile users with data caps. Would make exploring someone's profile more intuitive on desktops just as well.
Well, one workaround would be to click feed->my feed, or manually add "/feed?feed_type=self" to the end of the user's url, such as: https://www.anime-planet.com/users/Drahken/feed?feed_type=self
While this feed will be mostly filled with their episode updates, you can look at the page count at the bottom to get some idea of how much they've done. 30 items per page, times however many pages (167 in my case), will give you an idea how active the person is & whether it's likely that they'll have any interesting content anywhere.

It's not a perfect solution (especially since the activity tracking only goes back to 2012), but it should do for the time being.