
Episode 24

Ugh. Why does the animation always lose quality when they're not at the board? There were some painfully bad looking scenes in the episode, which was cute and Yuuki heavy, so I was happy. ^_^

On another note, are we never going to get a second season due to Gonzo's trouble? That would be tragic, because I'd love to see where this is going without reading the manga. Although, I'm not sure how a second season with lesser production values would measure up to this one which has been generally a joy to watch from an animation and sound point of view. Hmm....

Oh, man, the credits preview has me soooo excited. Must resist the urge to read the manga, and pray actively for Gonzo to hand the rights of to someone. Preferably Production I.G.
I gave it 3.5/5 stars in the end. Desperately want a second season, It's just too painful not to have one. (I'm ok with a lot of series ending stupidly, even skip beat! and Hikaru no go, but this, this needs to go on).
This one can go on and I think it'd be fine if it did, but seriously I'm finding it harder and harder to stand this retarded fake yuri stuff. It's more retarded than Stellvia's infamous bawling scene.
I'm up to ep 6 and really.... this isn't interesting at all tbh.
wonder how many more loli ass shots i'm going to have to sit through...

seeing people compare this to Hikaru no go hurts....
ep 7 oh wonderful weird images....
