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KageNoArashi Jul 29, 2013

"Nude titan suits and foodstores already???"

Can't find the foodstore but...judge it yourself xD

"I have always hated otaku culture no and I hate it when I tell people I watch anime that I get dumped with the otakus when I am nothing like them and all they do is give others a bad creepy image."

Mikasa again, is an overrated character, second to that of Kirito. I suppose the fanbrats think that she is "cool", but to me she is just bland and kinda misfitting. She is just too stoic, til the point that she became way too clichè. She shown us little to no emotions(crying and killing), majority of the time she just behaves like a robot made to protect her boyfriend. She is not a yandere in my honest opinion, but a very misplaced robot. I don't hate her like i do with Kirito, and i do hope that her character will improve later on in the show, which i highly doubt ironically...

Oh and don't listen to those fanbrats lol, there are so many animes right now, there will definitely be alot more examples of strong female characters like Motoko Kusanagi(G.I.A.S) and Revy(Black Lagoon)(haven't watch the show though :P). Plus, they've probably watched a grand total of 10 animes in their life, and non of it is beyond shonen. Btw, if you would, can you show me the lecture that you're talking about? I'm actually quite interested to see and evaluate on it :).

I've never watched Kingdom(since examinations are coming, oh and don't be surprized if you don't see me til oct or dec :P, but feel free to rant on whatever you feel is interesting, i'll try my best to reply) but i can definitely say that SnK's straetegy aspect is actually quite weak, and it is fueled by the flashy spiderwebshooter and titan fights instead, quite disappointing to say the least. Kudos to the different strategies that you've suggested.

Oh and btw, nice evaluation on how the cannons affects the battles.

And I forgot to say that I think that Shingeki No Kyojin/Attack on Titan is actually a pretty bland and boring name o_o.

You know what, let's discuss about a much more serious topic that affects the anime community, the otakus and their culture, not very cool indeed(bad pun i know @_@, but it's probably the best way to describe them). The rise of a shitty culture and the downfall of a once monumental industry. I like how casual anime fans thinks that the term "house"(silly ikr) makes them a part of something good because it is certainly not. Since many mistaken it as a term to describe them as a "hardcore anime fans", but in fact, it used as a form of insult(I believe you and i should be extremely clear about this :) ) and those who are acutally "otakus", are certainly despicable.

I don't think i need to elaborate more on how they married pillows and has absolutely no life since i'm very certain that you've already knew about it and hated it long ago :P. What i truly cannot stand about the otakus is the way they behave(for the guys), not only does it shames the anime community, but also our manlihood in a whole. I've met a bunch of "otakus" in my life, and unfortunately one of them is my classmate, and they tend to like to do things that kills all manlihood, like posting "cute" chibi fanarts and elaborating it with words like "cute" and "kawaii" with "cute emoticons" >_>, annoys the fuck outta me. Pinning up cutsy little moe lolis on their bags >_>... GROW SOME BALLS FOR GOD SAKES...

Which also led to the "downgrade" of the anime industry, more and more shows went for cheap fan-service-stares at SAO-, and good pieces of work often went unnoticed. Which is upsetting really. Remarkable shows rarely appear nowadays, imo :/. 

But it is really about the image of us who loves anime as a form of literature,escapism and not an alternative to lust. I often feel kinda ashamed to be in the same community as the otakus.(running outts time here, need to do revision :P)

KageNoArashi Jul 27, 2013

Lol, it's actually pretty easy to notice that the game itself is completely broken, unfair and will be frustrating to play, like the kinect. But the fanbrats are completely blinded by Kawahara's bullshits. 

If the 2nd season returns, man i will be to waiting to take it down, unless it really improves since some LN fanbrats said that it is alot better, i really don't know if they're reliable or not, we just have to wait and see. And hopefully Log Horizon, which has the same premise which comes out late this year will be better than SAO, and i can use it to educate people on why SAO is garbage.

Oh and .hack is actually quite underrated, since unfortunately it aired during the time where MMORPGs are still growing and is not as popular as it is today, so it went rather unnoticed(i think). Plus it was somewhat slow like what you've said with little fanservice, action scenes and little to no wish-fulfilment, so the inpatient masses with no taste tend to not like it. Btw, many seasons doesn't mean it's always good :P, i've seen alot of negative reviews for later seasons of the .hack series, it is said to be degraded thruout the years(rori said it :P).

My thoughts on SnK, extremely overrated, like what rori had predicted it turns out to be the most overrated series this year. Everyone thinks that it is a masterpiece or something, cosplayers are even willing to go around the their nude titan suit, some fanbrat even made a food store out of it, i'm like WTF SnK has nothing food worthy in it lol.

All in all i won't say that SnK is bad, i will definitely say that it is a 1000x better than SAO though, at least logic applys here. It has it's redeeming qualities, like how the idea is actually quite original. But it does have a few slips here and there, like some of the clichè character(Mikasa, i just can't get into her, she is literally a god damm robot), rather laughable concept of people turning into titans(the 1st scene feels kinda like Ultraman lol)instead of interesting strategic humans-titan battles, developing characters at the last minute only when something is going to happen to them(In the manga), but at least each of them is abit fleshed out. I want to see how it all unfolds and wrap up though.

Again, it is not bad by any stretch of the imagination(at least in my concern). It's above average, better than the big 5 shonen but definitely not a masterpiece like what the fanbrats have proclaimed. But the fanbase again is just as annoying as the SAO fanbase. If i were to make a review on it, it's probably going to get around a 5-6/10, since later on Eren becomes your typical hot head shonen lead and things starts to get predictable.

airbornefilip Jul 24, 2013

Well, sorry for making you post comment twice. ;) And thank you on your time. I searched for similar characters myself in the meantime but result was same as your's. Except Hyouka, TWGOK and manga Iris Zero, only character which is similar to Hikigaya (got this recommendation from someone else, I hadn't checked myself though) is protagonist from manga Hammer Session.

I find anime with 23-26 episodes the best balance between story and real time length. Those under 15 had rushed and usually uncompleted story but they are short and that's the sole reason I like them. Those which are longer, though story is better told and covered, it's too long and I have very low motivation to start watching it. And story can becaome dull and full of useless fillers. Yahari was amazing for 13 episode anime and really had great plot for it's length.

Thanks again for your time and if you find anything good, please tell me. There are lots of summers and winters to spend. :D

P.S. I thought I have a character that could fit in the list of characters you like and others don't, but I find out he's not unpopular. :) By the way, what do you think of Kayaba Akihiko from SAO?

KageNoArashi Jul 19, 2013

Recently, i'm getting nightmares too.

I'm really afraid that one day in the near future, we humans really developed a gaming system similar to that of the shitty and completely broken and utterly unplayable NERVEGEAR, ok fine fine, it revolutionizes gaming ,i'll actually be quite delighted.


What i'm really afraid of is the fact that people will start praising Kawahara for revolutionizing gaming.... This guy who can't write for shit... What about .hack? Which had the same concept and came out earlier? Shit really hits that wall if that ever happens in the future, not only did he get credit for making a bullshit show made up of fan-service only, he is getting credit for making up something that is already made earlier way before SAO is published or aired... Let's just pray that it does not happen, ever...

KageNoArashi Jul 7, 2013

Actually i won't quite blame sothis for banning rori though, i have to admit, sometimes rori do like to use various bully tactics when i comes down to debating. Instead of proving his opponent wrong with his own points as a counter attack, he made various direct insults. He might be a good critique but i know for a fact that he is not quite a good debater :P.

"the author himself saying how he made the whole story about SAO because he likes floating castles in the sky I mean what utter BS the author must have smoked crack when he was at school because it is just so bad."

^And just recently some fanboy called SAO "subtle". So a lifeless dude who can't even come up with a convincing reason on why he wrote his work is a fucking genious now, what a great community we have.

"It is even creepy too especially when Asuna and Kirito try to adopt some random kid and they acted like a happy family that was more creepy than any horror I have ever seen and screwed up too."

^LMFAO, can you even believe it? A 16yr old LOSER who spends his life solely on videogames and an idoltic 17yr who don't even bother to get to know her boyfriend's name are parenting a kid? It's not creepy to me but just plain fucked up stupid xD

"Bad news is I bet the anime will return with SAO's third arc when it should be burning in the fiery pits of hell for being utter garbage."

^No choice my friend... The masses just pleads for shallow entertainment like these, i guess we'll have to our best to bring it down >:), and i'm serious i'm pretty devoted on taking SAO's popularity down since it doesn't deserve it one bit.

Btw, a little correction here on your profile :P, Natsu don't use the power of love to win, he uses -in a deep and enthusiastic voice- THE ALMIGHTY POWER OF FRIENDSHIP BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW GANGING UP ON ONE VILLAIN IS THE BEST WAY TO FIGHT IF YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOTHING BUT SHIT!

Oh, and nice "working" with you :), we've just demolished and buried these pieces of utter trash in the bottom of the earth. I look forward to more conversations like these i really do :).